CJ Daniel-Nield
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2018


The first thing people say to us when we tell them we build apps is inevitably “I’ve got an idea for something you can build!”. Munity is just that — a closed network where our friends can share ideas safely, have them viewed by our small community, and if they are as good as they say they are, built — for free! Once a month we will pair the considerable resource of planes with the creator of the top idea — and get to work building their product.

We thought we had come up with a word — a community lead mutiny, but not as gnarly as a coup. It was actually already in the dictionary ‘a granted privilege or right’ which also kinda works…

How it works

Members can add any idea they like to munity and everyone else in the closed community can see it. It will get upvoted if people love it — and at the end of the month we will pick the best idea to build with you over the next 30 days.

You don’t have to post ideas to be involved though — leave comments, vote and make sure to cheer people on. We will also keep you informed about what we get up to, the ideas we pick and why, and how they are all going along the way. We will also ask for feedback as alpha/beta testers and get you along to launch parties — and involved in funding rounds if you are so inclined.

But why?

The reason we started planes was to build cool things with cool people. We think that we know a few cool people, so wanted the opportunity to build stuff together. We get to work on exciting ideas, and you get to launch a product for free.

What can I submit?

Anything. Although we specialise in digital products, do not let that limit what you share. It could be anything from a company that prints selfies on stickers — to an app which helps you choose what to wear in the morning. And if we can’t build it, we will be able to find someone who can!

So who owns it?

You do. How much depends on how much input you want to have past the initial idea stage — but we will work with you as co-founders to help design, develop and build the product. Ideally, we get it to a point where you can quit your day job and run it full time. If you love your day job, we may still build and launch your product for you — you will just own a smaller portion of it.

How do I join?

As we are a small agency and want to protect our friends ideas, we will only be letting in a limited number of people to begin with. Fill out the registration form and we will let you know when we can squeeze you in (that sounds way snobbier than it actually is).

House rules (Karma policy)

One thing that we were concerned about when starting this was how safe people felt about their ideas. We believe that the best work comes when we all work together collaboratively. We thought about paying a lawyer to write up some terms and conditions for us all to sign but instead will have it licensed using creative commons. More importantly though, we believe in karma- steal an idea, you are doomed to a life without sunshine.

So, get stuck in. Share ideas, leave comments, get voting and together we can build some cool stuff with some cool people.

With ❤️ from ✈️

🔌 Have you got an idea you want help building, a project you need a hand with or just a spare 20 minutes and looking for a free coffee and average banter don't be shy — pop in for a visit!

