Andrzej Krzywda
Planet Arkency
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2015


Which version of this Ruby code would you prefer to see in your codebase?

  def properties_names_hash
out = {}
properties.each do |property|
out[] = property.original_name


def properties_names_hash
properties.each_with_object({}) do |property, memo|
memo[] = property.original_name

Coming from Java to Ruby, it was always more natural to me to think about the code in terms of the first snippet. Over time, I switched to the other way of thinking.

I can obviously understand both, but I think the second one a bit more easy to read. Also, the first one is using a local variable which sometimes is a code smell. If there’s a way of not using a local variable (especially one that is a mutable local variable), then I prefer such way.

What are your thoughts on that?

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Andrzej Krzywda
Planet Arkency

On the mission to improve programming quality in the whole world.