Go to Planet Days
Planet Days
An environmental newsroom with a flair for drama and a fanfare for Earth, informing and empowering people who prefer the planet liveable.
Note from the editor

We’re not all superheroes, so we can’t just save the planet. But we can all do our part to understand what the hell’s going on with our climate. Enter Planet Days. Planet Days is an environmental newsroom that informs people just what they’re up against. In brief, clear, and accessible posts, we offer analysis and keep readers up to speed with the latest environmental news. In that way, readers are empowered to take meaningful actions for the planet — every day.

Go to the profile of Brandon Pytel
Brandon Pytel
Environmental writer living in Washington, DC. Opinions are his own.
Go to the profile of Sam Liptak
Sam Liptak
Environmentalist. Writer. Dog enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Brandon Pytel & Sam Liptak
Brandon Pytel & Sam Liptak
Brandon works in environmental communications in Washington, DC. Sam studies journalism at American University in Washington, DC.
Go to the profile of Brandon Pytel
Brandon Pytel
Environmental writer living in Washington, DC. Opinions are his own.
Go to the profile of Sam Liptak
Sam Liptak
Environmentalist. Writer. Dog enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Brandon Pytel & Sam Liptak
Brandon Pytel & Sam Liptak
Brandon works in environmental communications in Washington, DC. Sam studies journalism at American University in Washington, DC.