Clans of Planet Mojo

Planet Mojo
Planet Mojo Blog
Published in
13 min readAug 5, 2022

The Clans of Planet Mojo are steeped in ancient tradition. The Great Wars of the past are a distant memory, and most are now focused on rebuilding and surviving. But the Prophecy is still whispered among the wise elders and those who believe in timeworn revelations. When the Object collided with the Planet, the Clans sent out scouts to learn more.

This article provides an overview of the 15 Clans currently unveiled, residing within the magical realm of Planet Mojo. Many more will be revealed over time.


Noble. Loyal. Brave.

In the far north, beyond the rich emerald woodlands, nestled within the Caves of Kodion, resides the proud nation of Clan Clawhaven. Primitive and superstitious, the bears of Clawhaven are fierce warriors — brave, loyal to their Clan, and at one with the planet. They are ready to fight to the death to protect their own.

After a brutal season of combat trials, Brooka Clawhaven — said to be a direct descendant of Kodion himself — rose to become High Chief. He now leads the Clan with conviction, wisdom, and his stern battle axe.

Before the Scourge, Clan Clawhaven was enjoying a brief period of well-earned peace, with the bears reinforcing their border defenses. But when the impact rattled their caves, Clawhaven’s elders warned Brooka that a creeping death would poison their land and they must send out a scout to learn more. Brooka would dispatch no champion but himself.

“I will face this metal death. No Clawhaven will suffer!”


Mysterious. Mystical. Uncanny.

Hidden within the sticky shadows of Planet Mojo’s southern swamps is Clan Kroker, a tribe of witches, shamans, and mystics who were gifted the Aura by Myzzo, the god-frog itself. Adept, wise, and able to enter a transcendent state after inhaling sacred psychoactive swamp gas, the Amphibs of Clan Kroker practice mystifying rituals that are inexplicable to outsiders. Long considered an outcast Clan, their mission of redemption fuels their practices. Their time will come.

Clan Kroker’s nomadic bands are fueled by the mysterious rhythms of the Wild Tadpoles — beings from a hidden dimension that inform all of the frogs’ decisions, from how to punish a pickpocket to where to settle for the night.

Before the Scourge, the Clan suffered from a wanton excess of magic. Shamans drank too deeply from the Tadpole Well and accidentally poisoned clutches of polliwogs with salvation juice. When the impact of the Scourge rippled through the waters of Whetbeek, the frogs consulted the Wild Tadpoles for instruction:

“The world, it screams. The ocean, it steams… Find it, bind it, rend it, end it!”


Wise. Protective. Traditional.

The ancient Clan Primorda once hatched their eggs on every corner of Planet Mojo and fought bravely alongside the bears of Clawhaven in the Great Wars. But now, constrained to a forgotten land on the edges of the known world, the wise and solemn Primordas turn their shelled backs on the other Clans to study, ponder, and dream.

According to Primordian legend, Planet Mojo is but a single scale on the shell of the Great Galactic Leatherback, Aona. To honor Aona, turtle clerics vow to protect the planet’s collective wisdom. Over centuries, scrolls, relics, and spells have been compiled and collected in the coastal capital of Hari Nari, including a potion rumored to be able to halt the world’s rotation.

Before the Scourge, Clan Primorda was indifferent to the warfare of other Clans, but when the force of the impact shattered the stained-glass windows of Ja’Ona’s library, the wizened clerics wrinkled their foreheads in worry. They could sense that Planet Mojo was facing momentous change.

“Gaze into the past. Learn from history. Make your future less of a mystery.”


Brutal. Crude. Cruel.

In the humid, steaming, equatorial jungles of Planet Mojo lies the muddy capital of Obayu, home of Clan Supremus. The world’s worst impulses all have a home in this fetid, depraved stronghold, where the Clan has trained their ruthless, unstoppable army of hippo berserkers. Brutal, crude, and cruel, Clan Supremus is a thinking being’s worst nightmare.

Today, King Supremus holds the spiked scepter of power, but tomorrow a cunning usurper might seize the scepter and shove Supremus off the royal balcony. Such is the cycle of tyranny in Obaysch. No citizen forgets it.

Before the Scourge, Clan Supremus was plotting to invade Clan Furgen’s territory and take back lands that they believe are their birthright. When the impact vaporized one-third of Obayu, King Supremus understood — and thirsted for — the power of this new energy:

“Berserkers! Find it! Take it! Bring it back to me.”


Independent. Fierce. Vengeful.

Spread thin across Planet Mojo’s southern jungles, the last remaining survivors of Clan Stronghorn roam the lands. Long hunted for their horns, which many falsely believe to contain magical properties, the Stronghorn legacy is imbued in the hearts and minds of a few rhino warriors. They are vicious and focused — plagued by the memories of their Clan’s slaughter, they are determined to seek revenge.

Until they can rebuild their fallen kingdom of Kamago, the scattered warlords drift through the expanse, seeking comfort in meeting kin on the road, and crushing anyone with a “lucky” rhino horn hanging over their door.

Before the Scourge, Stronghorns were content to nurse their grudges and stamp out dark markets where their brethren’s corpses were peddled. When the impact shook the ground beneath their calloused feet, Clan Stronghorn felt hope for the first time in ages:

“Here comes the ultimate punishment, a pain the other Clans will never forget.”


Sly. Cunning. Deadly.

One of the richest and most powerful dynasties on Planet Mojo, Clan Furgen rules a vast kingdom that stretches from the Anakondi Desert to the beaches of Gnash Pui. Residing within the Night Palace of Furgen Forest, the royal family uses cunning, ruthlessness, and deceit to maintain control of their patchwork empire. These are the same traits that make the clan’s infamous assassins so deadly.

King Jamie Furgen keeps the crown atop his furry head by dispatching his network of hooded assassins to every corner of the kingdom. Whether you’re praying in a Campeche monastery or seeking thrills in the slums of Blackeye Row, Jamie can see all your sins and hear every one of your whispers.

Before the Scourge, Clan Furgen’s chief concern was court intrigue rather than border security. When the impact shook the walls of the Night Palace, King Jamie saw an opportunity:

“Seek the source, my brave assassins. Whether good or ill, Clan Furgen will wield it.”


Mystic. Mysterious. Magical.

Hidden within stone fortresses dotting the vast frozen tundra, Clan Glak is a mystery to the outside world. Only the most daring explorers dare to meet these slightly mad penguins, known for their pompous attitudes, weird habits, indecipherable language, and unearthly odor.

Adorned in striking (and stinking) adornments of sticks, seaweed, and shiny stones, High Priestess Peeka rules from the obsidian citadel on Bay Bailiwick. The Bay’s penguins respect Peeka’s mastery of potions and witchcraft, but the farther one travels from Bailiwick, the wilder and more rebellious her subjects.

Before the Scourge, Clan Glak was busy deciphering runes and mixing toxic brews of lime sulfur and dinglefish eggs. When the impact covered the water of Bay Bailiwick with an oily, metallic sheen, Peeka’s eyes shone white with her distant vision, her court shrinking back in fear:

“Whatever chokes our ocean-sea, grab its power and bring it to me.”


Fearless. Intimidation. Deadly.

No home. No traditions. Nothing to lose. Clan Kolo is a clan for those who have no clan: a loose band of pirates, rejects, and guns-for-hire, bound together for glory and money.

Mercenaries in wartime, bandits in peacetime, the rogues of Clan Kolo have failed to keep a leader (they’re always getting bought out or backstabbed) so they’ve settled on a bandit democracy, wandering the roads and back alleys and amassing fortunes by protecting, stealing, kidnapping, and assassinating: whatever misadventures build the mythos of their clan.

Before the Scourge, Clan Kolo was doing what Clan Kolo does best: fighting for whichever power-hungry rulers could pay them the most handsomely. When the impact shook the other clans into panic, Clan Kolo’s mercenaries looked at the center of the chaos and saw… the sparkling promise of gold.

“Whoever dies next, it won’t be me.”


Ancient. Unquestionable. Wise.

In Mojo’s central savannah stands the powerful Vast Castle, a glistening monument to the long-standing matriarchal rule of Clan Ivorium. Ancient, unconquerable, wise: the elephant clan has been led by Dox, their beloved Tuskmother General, for fifty years.

Excelling at the role she was born and bred for, General Dox has survived droughts, famines, and enemy invasions with the poise of a gifted noblewoman. The clan who adore Dox’s every action build massive testaments to her strength and prowess, the most famous being Mojo’s tallest structure: the Colossus at Mammuth. But time takes all champions. Dox is getting old, and her daughters are keen for power.

Before the Scourge, Clan Ivorium was stable, content, its elephants well fed and safe. When the impact shook the Colossus to rubble, General Dox knew she had only one last chance to show the planet what she was made of.

“Stomp this evil to dust.”


Reserved. Judgmental. Prudent.

In the rocky plains of the Tomari Lowlands Clan Mustel mine and extract precious metals and gems including crystals with magical properties. They sell and barter with some of the other clans, but because crystals and certain metals are used in warfare, Krumble must be careful not to be perceived as favoring one clan over another.

Though they are not apex predators, Mustels forcefully defend themselves and have by necessity created networks of secret tunnels both for shelter and outposts that allow them to monitor the actions of the predator clans unseen.

Clan Mustel has lived underground for so many centuries that their religion worships The Dark, an unknown force that the clan believes is fed by the molten center of Planet Mojo. Mustel’s admire secrecy and hard work and the other clans have grudging respect for the clan’s trustworthiness, and when provoked, their fighting ability.

While searching unexplored territories for new mining opportunities, Clan Mustel was one of the first clans to encounter the Scourge. An entire team of Mustel miners was nearly infected, prevented by Krumble’s fast thinking when he ordered an emergency collapse of a tunnel to cut off the plague’s advance underground. Krumble suspects that no place is safe from this mysterious threat and it’s becoming clear to him that it may take a united effort from all the clans to save the planet. No such cooperation has worked in the past and though Krumble prays to The Dark for guidance, silence is all he receives.


Cunning. Deception. Survivors.

Vigils are social creatures and tend to settle near the cities of Planet Mojo. They trade information and spells, often playing one clan against another. But their spells and magic are low level so with little at stake, even the quick-tempered clans are likely to tolerate the occasional bogus deal because their prices are good.

Clan Vigil does not follow a religion, but as the cities grew, they invented a mystical past that enhanced the allure of their spells in the marketplace. In their mythology, Haile Tibeb is the descendent of Crystal Spirits who can harness great magic. In actual fact, Clan Vigil has a finite number of spells and enchantments that they have packaged and re-packaged for hundreds of years. As word of the Scourge is shared by the clans, Haile Tibeb must face the moment when the other clans look to him to use his abilities against the plague. His nights are sleepless as the time when the truth of Clan Vigil’s deception is fast approaching. Tibeb knows this reckoning may be brutal, but small in comparison with the Scourge.


Centuries ago, Clan Umbran settled in the great swamps of Hari Nari, home of Clan Primorda and lived without incident. But then warfare and drought changed all that and for several generations, clan leader Veren Moteloor, the ageless creator of venom and poisons, roamed Planet Mojo with his now nomadic clan.

Fortunately, Clan Primordia unearthed an ancient scroll that defined unclaimed land where the Umbran’s could settle. After a decade of negotiations, with Brooka Clawhaven casting the deciding vote, Veren Moteloor found a home for his clan on the shores of massive Merat Corl Lake. This success was altered by the Great Impact. Shortly after, the lake began to die as a thick crust began to slowly cover it. It will soon become uninhabitable and Veren blames the other clans for what he now suspects is payback for dimly remembered assassinations by poison.

When Veren discovers that the green crust is poisonous, he begins his plans to harvest the strange substance and offer it to the other clans. Little does he know that the lethal crust is spawned by the Scourge and could spread among all clans faster than the Scourge could advance on its own.


Wisdom. Strength. Enlightenment.

Long ago, Clan Primatus were the most feared of all Clans on Planet Mojo. In the first of the Great Wars, Primatus ruled the battlefield with their intelligence and strength. When they finally emerged victorious, a shattered, dysfunctional civilization was all that was left for them to rule.. Clan Primatus realized that their worship of conquest and combat was a dead end. As the first Kasha emerged, they followed their new spiritual leader and retreated to the thick western jungle mountains of Thermador, forming an order of spiritual warriors, peaceful until provoked. It was there they were reborn with new purpose, wisdom, and skills.

For centuries, Primatus Monks have lived a secluded life from the other Clans. Through meditation and practice of their ancient arts, they seek enlightenment as The Kasha once achieved and taught. As spiritual warriors, their skills in battle only grew stronger through deep training. And then rumors among the other clans began to spread from deep from within the jungles. The Primatus had developed newfound abilities to harness control of the weather and elements.

For this and their past reputations, other Clans fear their return to the battlefield. However with rumors growing of a new threat spreading, they also welcome their addition, if they choose to battle alongside them.


Secret. Nocturnal. Lethal.

They were supposed to be extinct. No one has seen them for centuries… until now.

In the heart of Upper Zama, between the Azuul and Zoomay rivers, lies a dense, sticky, impenetrable rainforest. From that rainforest, a clan has re-emerged, once known only from myths and ghost stories: the indigenous tribe of hellcats known as Clan Zama. They are the deadliest hunters Planet Mojo has ever known, and their return spells doom for the other clans.

Long ago, the panthers of Clan Zama, disgusted with the Great Wars’ bloodshed and betrayals, vanished into the rainforest. For centuries, they isolated themselves from the outside world’s corruption. The panthers were content in their secret kingdom, hunting for food and picking off the gold miners, loggers, and adventurers who dare stumble into their territory.

But the Scourge changed everything. Sensing a threat to their kingdom, Puma Diablo, sixteenth Queen of the Diablo Dynasty, dispatched her most deadly warriors to the outside world. Their mission: discover the source of this alien power, and ensure it doesn’t fall into the hands of the other clans, lest another Great War engulf the planet in chaos.

“We smell your fear, outsider. Leave and forget this place, or die.”


They were always the last ones to the battlefield. Scavengers swooping in to feed on the corpses of dead warriors, then swooping up and riding the thermals back to their barren kingdom on Dead Tree Hill. Reviled by the other clans, Clan Mortis had neither the skills nor the stomach to face opponents head on. It seemed rather inelegant to soil their feathers with anything but the rotting flesh they ate.

But one fateful night, all that changed… when Reptus da Boof, the Sixth Highwing of Mortis, stumbled upon a secret tomb under Dead Tree Hill. There, she unwrapped an infernal tome… the Necro Phak. Poring over its blood-stained pages, Reptus mastered a formidable power: raising the dead, and using them as warriors to crush her clan’s enemies.

Today, Clan Mortis are not only reviled, but feared. If you see one of their Necromancers on the battlefield, expect the clacking bones of long-gone warriors to burst from the ground and drag you into an undead hell.

When the Scourge starts to infect Planet Mojo’s fresh dead with a distasteful techno-virus, Clan Mortis sees its food supply threatened. The carcass feeders must venture out into the wilds of Mojo and use their necromancy to save the living.

About Planet Mojo

Planet Mojo is an ecosystem of interconnected games built by Mystic Moose and set inside a mysterious alien planet with an evolving narrative. Players compete with customized teams of fantastical creatures in a suite of eSports, PvP games. The long-term goal is to create a sustainable and growing catalog of games for the next generation of gamers, empowering players by allowing them to own their in-game assets and have a say in the project’s future direction.

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