Mojo Melee Open Beta

Planet Mojo
Planet Mojo Blog
Published in
9 min readApr 7, 2023

Open Beta for Desktop Browser version begins soon!


Starting in Beta we will be testing several different new features concerning game progression, collecting and improving the value of a players collection. As we begin Beta, all player stats will be reset. Players will no longer have all of the game’s Mojos, Champions and Spellstones unlocked for them, but will need to earn them through gameplay or owning a digital collectible (NFT) of them.

The primary way of unlocking new game items will be by earning Gems that you can spend in the Mojo Melee Store on Champions, SpellStones and other deals.

Gems are earned through progressing on the BattlePass and earning Reward Chests, or by buying them in the Mojo Melee Store.

Also won in Reward Chests are Ore and XP (Experience). XP is awarded directly to Champions and Mojos in your Collection. When a character has gained enough experience to level up, players can spend Ore to have the character progress to their next level.

By collecting and leveling NFT characters, players will be able to raise their Collection Score. Increased Collection Score will promote players to new Collection Tiers that have better rewards.

One of the main rewards for having a higher Collection Tier is unlocking more Premium Quest Points. Premium Quest Points are spent by players to start Premium Quests. Premium Quests will give players a way to earn more Gems, Ore and XP.


Battle Pass Rewards: Premium and Common

There are two tracks of rewards on the BattlePass. The bottom reward track is the common track that is available for free to all players. The top reward track is Premium Rewards that are only available if the Premium Battle Pass is purchased.

The Premium Reward track features exclusive Champions, SpellStones and Skins that are only available to earn through the Premium track until the season ends. After each season the exclusive rewards will then be able to be found in the store. Champions, Skins and other items can be unlocked as Digital Collectibles over time by playing and leveling them up.

In addition to the exclusives, the Premium BattlePass includes additional Gems, Ore and XP that will help players level up and expand their collection.

The Premium Battle Pass will be on sale when we launch Beta at $14.99 (900 Gems). The Premium Pass is the most bang for the buck a player can get in the Mojo Melee store, especially during the Beta promotion.

The common track of the Battle Pass rewards players most commonly with Reward Chests of different sizes. Each Reward Chest contains up to 10 items. Each Item is either Gems, Ore, or XP for a character in your collection.

Below is a table showing the chances of Items to be drawn from a chest. A chest draws either 4, 6, or 10 items depending on its size.

In addition to Reward Chests, players will also occasionally be awarded 20 Gems from the common Battle Pass.

By collecting Gems from Reward Chests and BattlePass, players will be able to purchase Champions, Skins, Mojos and Spellstones available from the Mojo Melee Store.

BattlePass Progression

To earn rewards from BattlePasses, players will earn BattlePass Points by playing matches of Mojo Melee, completing Daily Quests, and leveling up characters.

Each match of Mojo Melee awards players BattlePass Points based on how well they did in the match. Be aware however that practice matches do not award any BattlePass progress.

Here is a table showing how many BattlePass points are awarded for Duel and Melee matches:

Battle Pass Points Awarded:

The amount of BattlePass points awarded for playing the game is limited. Players start with a pool of 400 BattlePass points they can earn. The pool of available points is refilled with up to 50 more BattlePass points every 3 hours until it reaches its maximum of 400 points.

In addition to being able to earn BattlePass Points from the pool by playing, players will be able to earn additional points by completing Daily Quests and leveling champions. Battle Pass Points gained this way are not limited.

Players have up to 3 Daily Quests at time. Daily Quests award 150 Battle Pass Points when completed. Each Quest will require the player to accomplish different goals while playing matches of Mojo Melee.

Each day completed Quests are automatically replaced with new quests for the player to complete. Players may also refresh each Quest once a day to be given a different daily quest.

The final way players can earn BattlePass progress is by leveling up characters. Each time a character is leveled it will award the player progress on the BattlePass.


Players are able to level their collection of Champions and Mojos by collecting XP for them and paying a cost in Ore. XP and Ore are most commonly awarded through Reward Chests from the Battle Pass or Premium Rewards.

Each character can be level up 20 times. Each additional level will cost more XP and Ore. While currently leveling a character does not change the stats or abilities of a champion, it will benefit its owner in other ways.

When a character is leveled it immediately awards the player with BattlePass Points. Overtime leveling a players collection will be a major source of BattlePass Progress.

Digital Collectibles (NFTs)

In addition, as an NFT character levels up it will increase the amount of Collection Score value based on its Rarity. Below is a table of how much collection score a Mojo and Champion of each rarity is worth.

As shown in the table, Mystic and Legendary digital collectibles have a much greater potential to boost a player a collection tier, giving them far greater utility then their common counterparts.

Players will be able to earn Digital Collectibles of Mojos and Champions they have unlocked on their account by leveling them up. When a character reaches Level 20, a Digital Collectible of that champion or Mojo will be made available to the player. The rarity of the collectible received is random, with more valuable rarities being much more uncommon.

Collection Tier:

There are six Collection Tiers players will be able to earn by expanding and leveling their collection of Digital Collectibles. Higher Collection Tiers will require players to maintain a higher Collection Score and have more valuable rewards.

A player’s Collection Score is the sum Collection value of all of their Digital Collectibles currently in their wallet.

At the start of beta one of the rewards that will be rewarded to players with a Collection Tier will be Premium Quest Points. Players will receive an income of Premium Quest Points each week based on their collection tier. These Points are spent to start Premium Quests, which are some of the fastest ways to earn Gems, XP and Ore.

Below is a table of how many Premium Quest Points players will gain each week depending on their collection tier.

In addition to Premium Quest Points, players who have a Collection Tier of Platinum or higher will be able to claim rewards from the Premium BattlePass reward track without purchasing Premium.

Finally there will be tournaments that will require Digital Collectables “BattleStone” passes to enter that will be given to players of certain Collections Tiers. Players will then be able to choose to use the pass themselves to enter the tournament or sell it to another player.

Premium Quests:

The Quest screen is where players begin Premium Quests and collect rewards for them. Players may only have one Premium Quest active at a time. If a Premium Quest is active, they will have to finish it before being able to activate a new one.

There are several different Premium Quests that players will be able to unlock to purchase. To unlock a Premium Quest a player must meet its Rank requirement. Premium Quests with higher Rank requirements cost more Premium Quest Points to start, but also have much more valuable rewards.

After starting a Premium Quest by using Quest Points, a player will be rewarded each time they win a Ranked match while the Quest is active. The rewards player receives increases in value over the course of five wins. Players are able to win the top reward on a Quest up to five times before the Quest ends.

A Premium Quest ends if a player wins all of its available rewards, after winning 10 games, or if a player loses 3 Ranked matches while it’s active.

Mojo Melee Store:

With the launch of Beta we will also be opening the Mojo Melee Store. By spending Gems in the store, players can expand their collection of Mojos, Champions, Skins and Spellstones.

Each day the Store will offer a player a selection of 4 Daily Deals which could include anything from Champions Skins and Arenas to Special Packs of Ore and XP. In the near future, there is also a very rare chance that one of your Daily Deals might be a Digital Collectible (NFT) character.

Everything in the Store is refreshed with a new selection every day. It’s important to check back daily to make sure you don’t miss your chance at a special deal or Champion you’ve been looking for.

The store will also offer players the ability to buy packs of Gems, Ore and XP once per day. All the currency packs come in a variety of sizes, with the bigger packs including a better value.

When first starting, players will all have access to two Starter Packs, Premier Starter Pack and a Currency Starter Pack.

The Premier Starter Pack contains a random Mojo that you don’t own, the Champion General Dox, the SpellStone Lightning Retribution and a whopping 1500 Gems. The start pack costs $24.99 and is the best value available in the store, featuring an amazing savings of 75% off!!!.

The Currency starter pack pack comes with a massive deal on XP and Ore to give you a headstart on leveling your collection. The pack includes 300 Gems and 680 Ore for $4.99, a 50% saving!


We hope you enjoy the Beta of Mojo Melee! This will really change the game dynamics, progression and much more! We are excited to take this next step!

If you experience issues playing the game, check out our troubleshooting page here:

About Planet Mojo

Planet Mojo is an ecosystem of interconnected games built by Mystic Moose and set inside a mysterious alien planet with an evolving narrative. Players compete with customized teams of fantastical creatures in a suite of eSports, PvP games. The long-term goal is to create a sustainable and growing catalog of games for the next generation of gamers, empowering players by allowing them to own their in-game assets and have a say in the project’s future direction.

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Planet Mojo
Planet Mojo Blog

Collect & build your team in Mojo Melee, the next generation strategy autochess battler from Planet Mojo.