Mojo Melee Strategy Guide

Planet Mojo
Planet Mojo Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2023


In this Strategy guide we will cover some foundational strategic elements that go into building and playing a custom team in Mojo Melee.

If you need a refresher on how the basic gameplay of Mojo melee works go here before continuing.

Team Building

In Mojo Melee there are many different ways to approach building a Team. There are however some foundational elements that no matter what your approach is you should consider.

While Mojos, Champions and Spellstones in Mojo Melee are all unique, there are archetypes or roles that most fit into. Champions and Mojos (Characters) generally fit into being a Damage Dealer, a Brawler, a Tank, or a Caster. However depending on how you build your Team, many characters can fulfill different roles.

When you start building a Team, you want to start with an idea about how you want to win.

Your Team will ultimately win by defeating the enemy Team, but how is it going to accomplish this? Do you want to try and outlast them with a Team built around sustainability; try and hit them hard and fast with lots of quick damage; or through a powerful combo of your Team’s abilities ?

Depending on how you want to win you will want to craft your Team differently. For example if your strategy is to be more aggressive than your opponent, you will want to include more damage dealers on your team.

No matter what, it’s always smart to include a character you plan to be your team’s tank, and a character that you plan to be your team’s damage dealer.


Let’s take a closer look at each of the roles the champions that usually fill them and some basic tips on how to play them.

Damage Dealer

Damage Dealers’ purpose is in their job title, to do damage. These characters usually don’t have a lot of health or armor and die quickly when targeted by the enemy.

A good basic strategy is to position the rest of your team in a way that tries to ensure your damage dealers stay alive the longest.

Dawn Striker and Dark Brightley are usually used as Damage dealers.


The job of Tanks is to take as much damage as possible, and to attract attacks away from their allies. This makes characters with high health and armor ideal for this job, even if their attack is on the low end.

When placing your Tank you want it to be between your enemy’s Damage Dealer and the rest of your team. While this often means right on the front line, if your enemy is using Dawn Stricker or Mojo Portal this may actually be behind your team.

Brooka Clawhaven, and Batakamus Rex both do great jobs as a Tank.


Brawlers fall between Tanks and Damage Dealers. You want Brawlers to deal damage, but also be able to take a few hits. Brawlers are useful for fending off flanking attacks or creating some yourself.

With the right Spellstones and teammates many characters can fulfill this role, but Sumatra and General Dox both excel at it.


A Caster’s job is to use their ability as many times as possible. When placing a Caster you want to place it in a location where you think it will gain the most energy so it can use its ability.

In Mojo Melee a character gains energy each time it attacks or is attacked. This means it can sometimes be beneficial to have your Caster take some damage, as long as it doesn’t become your enemies main target.

Because Casters are ability focused, and abilities do so many different things, Casters often will fit into other roles as well. For example you can easily make a team where Gwyn Rockhopper takes the role of Damage Dealer, or Zerlin takes the role of Tank.

Froda Swamphag, Gwyn Rockhopper, Deth Kolo, and Zerlin the Lesser are all strong Casters.


When thinking about Spellstones it’s important to think about how they fit into how you’re planning on winning the game.

If you are planning on winning through a powerful combination of your characters abilities, the Spellstones Mojosythesis and MojoPortal are great for helping ensure you get your important abilities near the start of a battle.

If you are planning on outlasting your opponent, the Spellstone Second Chance can almost double the life of your Tank. You may also want to use Meteorite to help with damage as your Team’s base damage output will likely be lower than your opponent.


These roles are by no means definitive or exclusive, but can give you a useful framework to begin building teams and exploring your own tactics.

As you continue to explore you will notice that you can make teams leverage abilities to have characters fulfill roles that they are not normally suited for.

For example a Team using a Vine Mojo, Zerlin the Lesser and the Spellstone Mojosynthesis can start to use General Dox as their main damage dealer.

There is a lot to explore and think about when creating a team in Mojo Melee. Part of the fun is coming up with your own approach and play style.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and break convention. Sometimes there is nothing more dangerous than the unexpected.



Planet Mojo
Planet Mojo Blog

Collect & build your team in Mojo Melee, the next generation strategy autochess battler from Planet Mojo.