Geospatial IoT Insights — September 28

Kalle Kägi
Planet OS (by Intertrust)
2 min readSep 28, 2016

Euroconsult published its forecast for satellite-based Earth Observation market growth through 2025. The commercial data market totaled $1.7 billion in 2015 and is anticipated to total $3 billion in 2025. The value-added services market reached $3.2 billion in 2015, and is growing at a faster rate than the data market alone (11% 5-year CAGR). Notably, the commercial data and value added services key markets are not overlapping. Defense represents 61% of the commercial data market, followed by maritime, infrastructure, and resources monitoring sectors. In these fields, most of the analytics is performed in-house. On the other hand, value added services market relies often on lower-cost, coarser resolution data. [GISuser]

What’s the Difference Between Consumer and Industrial IoT? A simple question, but not so easy to answer. Electronic Design has published a much needed comparison of different types of IoT, explaining where exactly the line is between Consumer IoT, Commercial IoT, and Industrial IoT. [Electronic Design]

A useful source worth looking at when you are planning to get started with your first IoT project: the Linux Foundation has listed 21 open source projects for IoT. If you are looking to get started with an IoT project, this is a good source to begin with. [The Linux Foundation].

Yet another signal on how important it is to build apps that help people to understand what is the quality of the air: based on a WHO research, over 90% of world is breathing bad air. Raising the awareness of people is the first step in taking steps to improving the air quality, and Planet OS helps here by making open air quality data available via API. Today we cover only U.S., but we’re hoping to add more regions shortly. []

Real-time IoT data has a tremendously higher value than historical data. Wikibon explains in its analysis why it is so, the main reason being too quick drop in IoT data value over time data to tolerate the latency of transmitting it. Planet OS Datahub provides external weather and environment data that can support a wide range of IoT devices, but the reason why we started with providing the latest data is associated with the IoT data value problem — most of the use cases live on the edge of the real-time. [siliconANGLE]

Originally published at on September 28, 2016.



Kalle Kägi
Planet OS (by Intertrust)

Building a data-driven world at Intertrust Technologies. VP Corporate Development. Previously Planet OS.