New Datasets Released: Fire, Water, and Wind

Eneli Toodu
Planet OS (by Intertrust)
3 min readOct 2, 2019

Over the past few months, the Planet OS Datahub has integrated another series of brand new datasets. Each of these datasets has been carefully selected and curated based on our community feedback.

Credit: Yu-Kato

The first batch of datasets consists of advanced wave models. Our users have expressed high interest in historical wave data, so we prioritized the acquisition of the Météo France Global Ocean Wave Analysis dataset. This dataset goes back to December 2016 and is updated daily. It has 0.08-degree spatial resolution and three-hourly data. In addition to this, we have also released the forecast dataset from the same producer. The Météo France Global Ocean Wave Forecast lets you use analysis and forecast data in combination, making researching current weather events much easier and more integrated.

Coastal communities, businesses, and professionals heavily rely on the quality of marine weather predictions. From major weather events like storms or hurricanes down to daily checks on what is the best time to go to the beach, reliable marine weather models affect the lives of millions.

Hurricane Dorian wave heights using Météo France Global Ocean Wave Analysis and forecast datasets made on Sep 6, 2019
Hurricane Dorian wave heights August 30-September 10 using Météo France Global Ocean Wave Analysis and forecast datasets made on Sep 6, 2019

In addition to the global wave models, we have released the Météo France — MFWAM Wave Model: Europe. It is a forecast dataset that covers all of the main seas around Europe, the majority of the Red Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. It has 0.1 degree spatial resolution with three-hourly data and model updates every six hours.

Météo France — MFWAM Wave Model Europe

Building upon the Fire Weather Index

We are also excited to announce that we now offer the ECMWF ERA5 Fire Danger Indices Historical Data. Although we already provide access to the ECMWF Fire Danger Forecast Analysis, which is based on ERA-Interim, we have now added the Fire Danger Indices dataset based on ERA5 reanalysis. This dataset provides an entire historical reconstruction of meteorological conditions that can ignite, grow, and sustain fires. The fire danger metrics provided are part of an impressive dataset produced by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service for the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). By combining model data and a vast set of quality controlled observations, ERA5 provides a globally complete and consistent dataset. Thus, it is regarded as a good proxy for observed atmospheric conditions and much more.

Fire Weather Index on 2019–07–31 from ECMWF ERA5 Fire Danger Indices Historical Data

From Fires to Flight

Planet OS Datahub now also offers its first aviation dataset — GFS World Area Forecast System (WAFS) Forecast. The WAFS is a worldwide system by which world area forecast centers provide aeronautical meteorological en-route forecasts. The WAFS provides forecasts of wind speed and direction, geo-potential height, icing, turbulence, and cumulonimbus (Cb) cloud base (top and extent). The global model runs four times daily and produces forecasts up to 36 hours in advance.

GFS World Area Forecast System (WAFS) Forecast

The Planet OS Datahub makes it easy to build data-driven applications and analyses by providing consistent, programmatic access to high-quality datasets from the world’s leading providers. If you are interested in the vast amount of resources that the Datahub provides, but cannot find the dataset you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us via Slack or email. Many of the datasets made available through the Planet OS Datahub have been at the request of our users. For more information check out the Planet OS Datahub.



Eneli Toodu
Planet OS (by Intertrust)

Data Integration Engineer at Intertrust Technologies Corporation