This Planet SkySat image, taken on August 30, 2018, shows the famous Gardens by the Bay in Singapore, just one of the countries where Planet’s 2020 remote interns hail from. The park full of lush green gardens spans 250 acres near Marina Bay. © 2018, Planet Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Planet’s International Intern Class Goes Remote in 2020

Planet Stories


We’re excited to announce that Planet’s interns will be starting this week. Before March, Planet already supported over 20 percent of its global workforce remotely, and San Francisco employees who have recently gone remote have adapted amazingly well. We are all poised and ready to welcome the 2020 intern class.

Although we recognize it may be more desirable to have an in-person internship experience, we are confident that our company-values will guide our interns, employees and culture beyond workplace walls — and we are willing to adapt to changing circumstances. While many companies have cancelled or limited their summer intern programs, we are proud of the fact that our class of interns represents 14 schools, 17 cities and eight countries internationally.

Our interns will be working across departments, including space and software, marketing, sales and business development, and will have a multitude of opportunities to grow as a part of the team.

Planet will host regular “Launch and Learns” every other Friday for the duration of the internship, where interns will have the opportunity to learn how Planeteers got to where they are, discover where they could go and ask questions or seek advice. In addition, interns can get to know people in other departments via virtual “Cookie Chat” sessions, and ask Planeteers questions over a sweet snack. Interns will also be invited to full-time employee events like our colloquiums and launch parties.

The interns will be afforded many chances to work closely with employees to help develop a strong career path and plan ways to achieve it. Planeteers, at all levels, are well-versed in setting timely and meaningful goals. Some departments even have special pep-rally like cheers for when employees achieve specific goals. And speaking of making some noise, we give company-wide weekly shout-outs to encourage progression. Adapting to new ideas and situations will always be a part of working in aerospace and we are excited to provide our interns with the tools for success in their careers.

In addition to providing interns with just as much support as they’d receive working in-office, they’re also afforded a portion of work time to give back to the community and charitable causes. Perhaps an upside to having a remote summer class is that our interns can give directly back to their own communities in new and unique ways.

With a diverse intern class that spans more identity groups, schools and cities than ever before, we are excited to see how our interns inspire new perspectives for our teams and for each other.

To learn more about Planet’s internship program, reach out to Tori Klotz at

Ziggy, Planet’s cartoon astronaut mascot. © 2020, Planet Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved.

