Captain Marvel with a Mohawk? New Picture Released.

Sachin Baheti
Planet Superheroes
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2019

Captain Marvel is set to be a hit in theaters, and we just got a brand-new look of her all suited-up glory.

Thanks to USA Today, a new still from Marvel Studios’ next film just went live. Captain Marvel may be a few months out from release, but its latest image shows Carol rocking one of her most iconic looks.

Take a look at the image below which, the helmet pushed Carol’s hair into a signature mohawk.

Carol has both her fists charged to the side, and her piercing gaze would make even Thanos blanche. Captain Marvel is not one to mess with. Brie Larson expresses her excitement to bring a non-ideal heroine to the big screen.

“She’s my perfect ideal because she’s flawed and she owns those and learns to work with them, and is making mistakes over the course of this movie finding herself — figuring out her past, but also discovering her own strength and power.”

For Brie, Carol’s unapologetic attitude has made the character her dream role. She has always been the one to be anonymous. Larson said. “I like disappearing into characters, and I always felt like if I was out in the public eye too much, it potentially limits you in the future.”

Are you ready to see Captain Marvel take off on the big screen? Let us know in the comments!

