PlanetWatch Wearable App

Ivan D'Ettorre
Published in
Nov 2, 2021

Dear PlanetWatchers,

We just released an App which is only needed by owners of Atmotube PRO sensors. Please note that this is not our new, general-purpose App, which will be released tomorrow.

Key points:

  • The name of this App is “PlanetWatch Wearable".
  • All iOS users will now see their ID sensor displayed in the same format as for Android users (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX). This feature will enable seamless sensor switches between Android and iOS devices (or vice versa) whenever needed, without opening a ticket.

How to connect your Atmotube PRO with the new PlanetWatch Wearable App

Click here to read the full article on our website

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Ivan D'Ettorre

Entrepreneur, consultant, engineer, IOT, blockchain and marketing expert.