Technical Roadmap

Ivan D'Ettorre
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2021

Some of you will have certainly picked up the changes. We have completed the transition to the new infrastructure and are currently checking all the devices within our network. We are very mindful of the data we store on the Algorand Blockchain and we’re working to be as transparent as possible on the performance of each sensor.

What are the main technical objectives?

1) Simplifying sensor activation, association and license management through the new app

2) Enriching the user experience through the Explorer

3) Speeding up PlanetWatch’s onboarding of new sensors for all types

Purchase licenses

  • When you place an order online, the order status changes to “Processing”. To be sure that your order has gone through, we recommend that you always keep track of the status from the My Account section on our e-commerce sites.
  • At this point our internal team checks the correct receipt of payment and if all is okay the status of the order changes to “Completed”. The verification is carried out twice a day (in the morning and in the afternoon) and also on weekends. However, it may take a little longer around holidays.

The next steps depend on the type of device

Type 1: When you buy a license, you are registered in the “waiting list”. In the weeks following the order, you will receive an email informing you about which batch you are in.

We are working to ensure that the email is sent immediately after the purchase goes through, but this involves an automation process that we are agreeing with the sensor supplier.

Our support team will then contact you to activate and set up the device. You can pair the license to your sensor through our new App

When fully operational, the whole process will be managed automatically through the new Mobile APP. Check this article.

Type 3: the licenses and devices purchased will be immediately activated through the new Mobile App.

Type 4: the licenses are activated and linked to the device as soon as the first configuration is made on the PW App dedicated to Atmotube. The current PlanetWatch app will be soon renamed “PW_Atmotube App”.

TIP # 1: The new App cannot be used by Type 4 sensors (Atmotube Pro) for streaming, it is a much more general App. Check out this article for more info.

We will soon be releasing some more details on how to solve some stability problems of the App for Atmotube Pro, so stay tuned.

This is the app that is currently used to send data from our Type 4.

Click here to read the full article on our website

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Ivan D'Ettorre

Entrepreneur, consultant, engineer, IOT, blockchain and marketing expert.