Change is everywhere

The Planet 4 Creative Concept

Laura Hilliger
Planet 4
4 min readMar 27, 2017


With bated breath, the Planet 4 team has been sharing the creative concept for Greenpeace global web presences. We’ve been presenting the concept, answering questions, asking for feedback. This post is a brief outline of the ideas* that are being presented.

* please keep in mind that this is conceptual work. We’ll be iterating and starting to identify a visual language and design components over the next few months.

You can choose between going through the Concept Slide Deck with further explanations and visuals, or just watch the 22-minute webinar recording (available at the bottom of this post as well).

Our goals

Planet 4 designed as an engagement platform first

We say that “Greenpeace” is just a word. The people behind it are the real power. Our organizational story offers help to the people:

“Want to take down a giant? We’ll find you a slingshot. Got an idea? We’ll give you a way to pitch it, or the resources to run it, or a communications rocket to launch it around the world. Want to band together with others? We’ll give you online and offline space to meet and plan, provide you with tips and tricks, training, and share our 40 years of experience in creating change.”

The new creative concept for and the global web presences of Greenpeace is the slingshot and the rocket and the space people need to act on behalf of our planet.

And so with this vision, and the understanding that a billion acts of courage can spark a greater tomorrow, we’ve worked towards defining an engagement platform that empowers our audiences and transforms the way Greenpeace exists in digital channels.

This concept aims to show the positive vision Greenpeace has for the future. We will show how great the planet could be and highlight clear and lightweight activities that anyone can do.

We want to help activists and citizens by amplifying the work of Greenpeace’s National and Regional Offices. The new will showcase locations, activities, individuals and organizations that are meaningful to individual users.

Greenpeace is a global community of people. We will create an adaptable and flexible tool stack and workflow that utilizes open source technologies and frameworks. We will help people create stellar content with templates and remixable resources.

Design Principles

We identified four principles to thread through the creative concept.

Greenpeace has your back: With the new engagement platform, the Planet 4 team aims to help Greenpeace audiences take action. This is the focus of the platform. While Greenpeace is certainly present, the organization takes a step back to allow others to be the hero.

What if Planet 4 would connect Greenpeace actions to activities everyone can do?

People Power is Social: Greenpeace helps you motivate and be motivated by the people who matter most. For Planet 4, this means users can encourage people they know to take action. The platform helps people act alongside others. It provides a way to allow audiences share skills with and find guidance from each other.

What if an action could get started by directly inviting people?

Clear Vision leads to Decisive Action: Users will be asked to do things that will help create a green and peaceful future. Planet 4 will help them understand why their actions matter. The platform will help explain how we will succeed and what that success looks like. Clarity of vision doesn’t just mean that we share a vision of the future but that we give people visibility into the why and how of getting there.

Stewart's impact on a broader campaign scale?

Change is Everywhere: While campaigns may be global, every location has unique motivations and meaning. This platform will help identify local opportunities for changemaking. This means geographically, but also local to where people are online — we will meet people where they are, using Facebook and co to integrate online campaign initiatives.

From online to offline using geolocalization in Planet 4?

Help Greenpeace Inspire

Here’s a recording of one of our presentation sessions. And below are links to slides, notes, our survey and more.

Watch the Planet 4 Concept presentation (22'06")

Please have a look at the slides and read the presentation notes. We’d love to hear what you think! This represents a massive shift in how Greenpeace presents itself online. Do you have questions? Check out our FAQ doc.

Take a few minutes, fill out this survey and share your thoughts on this direction of travel. >>SNEAK PEAK>> There's a way to get involved in the Design track at the end of the survey…



Laura Hilliger
Planet 4

Writer. Maker. Techie. Power tool user. Founding member @WeAreOpen, Open Ambassador for, work @greenpeace alum @mozilla