P4 in 2018

Numbers, doughnuts and quotes to wrap up a memorable year

Luca Tiralongo
Planet 4
2 min readDec 18, 2018


The last weeks of the year are usually a good time to take a moment and look back at what has been done in the last 12 months.

For P4, let's leave it to an infographic* and a few quotes to tell a bit of the 2018 story.

One more paragraph is due though, the one with HUGE THANK YOUS to every single colleague, freelance, volunteer, agency or bot who contributed to such a memorable year. Let's make it a majestic 2019.

P4 2018 infographic wrap-up. Artwork by Will, source files available in the P4 Drive

“Thanks for your amazing work through this process! I know we weren’t the most talkative office…but you were always there for us”

“My balance also thanks you for the doughnuts”

“[…] the plan and support we’ve received from the team as a MODEL for any organization. Really outstanding”

“I flushed everything twice, including the toilets, and nothing is happening”

“[…] some good early results on our fundraising goals with P4, up 62% in the 23 days since migration, compared to the 23 days period before"

“I have a broken P4 Twitter button and don’t know why…”

“This project, especially the implementation, provides a good model for how to manage similar global software projects in future. You should all be really proud of your achievements!”

“If you open the window you may see a missile coming right at Kalamata”

"For 2019 we should consider the 360 full suite, a Google Data Warehouse and 2 clones of Ibraheem"

"Thank you all mighty P4 dev wizards and their awesomeness!" 🤖

“Internet Explorer should be illegal. Just like selfies in the car”

“It's like midnight over there. Please stop working otherwise Lilian gets angry and trust me you don’t want to see her mad”

“If they manage to do their magic and get these issues in the next release then shish kebap for the whole dev team”

"An idea you voted on has been shipped!"


*Special thanks to Andrada, Julia, Lilian and Koyan for providing a few numbers for the wrap-up. And to Will for his patience with my 3, actually 4, in the end 92 requests for changes.



Luca Tiralongo
Planet 4

Grey-haired since 14. Bike rider. Sea diver. Peperonata maker. Greenpeacer.