The 2020 Planet 4 Community feedback

What’s working well, should work better and how the community feels about P4

Luca Tiralongo
Planet 4
3 min readFeb 12, 2021


The 2020 infographic recap highlighted that, for P4, 2020 mostly revolved around community engagement, product improvements and a review of process, workflows and bots.

To approach 2021 with a holistic perspective, the many plans and ideas have to be cross-checked with the community and the stakeholders. So, just as in 2019 (see last year’s community feedback), a global survey is critical to shape the plans for the year ahead.

Along with the DataStudio dashboard above 👆 (what would we do without you, Julia Mente!), below there are the highlights, assumptions and (when necessary) some proposed actions 👇

🌎 🌍 Overall, the community feels positive on how Planet 4 is maintained, delivered and supported. The switches to Continuous delivery and WYSIWYG were well-received, the Archive integration is well known, but not used steadily.

📣 Communication and 📗 documentation continue to fully satisfy the needs of our stakeholders, as well as 📊 Analytics support and usage. In these areas, the excellent work of the P4 team has to continue in the same direction, perhaps including a Handbook review (not a migration).

  • Action → Review the Handbook Homepage, structure, search and layout to facilitate access to the right content

👥 Greenpeace users feel confident to connect with other members of the community and ask / share in the Planet 4 channels (incl. the various Slack channels launched with the community strategy). Information on product upgrades is well received and paths to ask for support and submit bugs remain very clear and effective.

⚠️ Work must be done to improve practitioners’ capacity, increase community engagement, improve collaborative processes (e.g. co-design) and produce more Case Studies, especially around A/B testing and Content Strategy.

  • Action → Launch, promote, enhance and support the P4 self-training program in the Greenpeace Academy
  • Action → continue to boost ongoing engagement in well-established spaces (General, Dev, Council) with community calls and opportunities to get involved (e.g. A/B testings, ideas refinements, etc.)
  • Action → support the establishment of a Design (Campaign??!) community
  • Action → review the Challenges “Co-design” process
  • Action → produce a case study for every major feature / idea release

⚙️ Product-wise, the Planet 4 roadmap has to be more accessible and known across the organisation, the P4 Campaign Pages need to be backed up by “tool-agnostic” conversations to assess the actual needs of Campaigns. Also, opportunities to experiment and exchange ideas with other NROs must be provided.

  • Action publish, promote and constantly point people to the P4 Roadmap
  • Action perform a community-mapping exercise to scout to expand the P4 community to other spaces
  • Action schedule a series of 1–1s with NROs who don’t have development capacity, to make sure the roadmap reflects their most urgent needs
  • Action clearly position P4 Campaign Pages VS the Hubspot landing pages
  • Action→ produce a Q&A / recommendation on “Microsites VS P4 Campaign Pages”
  • Action → schedule a series of 1–1s with colleagues from the Programme department to assess whether the P4 Campaign Pages fulfil the Campaigns’ needs or not

🎮 Coming to new features and improvements to the existing ones, Media Library, SEO and Search remain strong desires, with integrations (Hubspot and ControlShift) ramping up. Interesting mentions of faster processes, design rehaul and higher accessibility standards.

  • Action → incorporate this feedback into roadmap planning
  • Action → work with the P4 council to make (some of) these major epics come to life
  • Action → implement the 2020 recommendations to abide the WCAG / AA standards

🍩 Oh, and of course, more Donuts are needed.

Thanks to Julia Mente for the Dashboard and to Andrada Radu, Suzi Grishpul and the rest of the P4 team for helping in putting together all the feedback, assumptions and actions.

<a href=”">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>
llustration by Freepik Storyset



Luca Tiralongo
Planet 4

Grey-haired since 14. Bike rider. Sea diver. Peperonata maker. Greenpeacer.