Planetarium AMA #1

Published in
5 min readFeb 6, 2020

Hello. On January 30, Planetarium’s first AMA took place on the Discord server. There were questions and answers on a variety of topics including release schedules, design intentions, and future visions of the decentralized gaming.

When launch? 🚀

In 2020 Q2!

What is the approx date when we can start mining the associated coin? care to share what algo will be utilized, and if it will be forked from another source or coded from the scratch up.

You will be able to start mining in 2020 Q2 alongside the launch of the game, or little bit before that. Nine Chronicles uses PoW, and we’ve been developing its blockchain since the early 2018.

Once the MMO is decentralized what sort of updates or content can we expect from the devs and how will that interact with the user generated content. Will the user created content be moderated in any way?

  • Even if an MMO is decentralized, devs can still publish new features, content update, balance changes, and more. It’s kind of similar to how Bitcoin or Ethereum networks can be updated even when decentralized. We’ll release updates for Nine Chronicles frequently. — What’s interesting is that players can choose to “opt-out” from updates. For example, they can choose to stay in the “classic mode” with other players, instead of choosing to update their client.
  • Our updates can include user generated content, for instance, a new awesome game mode created by a modder (we hope this happens!). But there are also user generated content that doesn’t require client update — for example new levels directly uploaded to the blockchain.
  • On moderation: each network will be able to decide which content to adopt for their game. For example, if there is a user generated costume market, players can vote to ban certain costumes for appearing in the game. No one can stop people from rolling (forking) a new network with their modifications, though.

Apart from Nine Chronicles, are there other projects/games/game genre you’re interested in doing in the far future?

Yes, what a fun question. 😃 We’re interested in working on a decentralized social simulation game inspired by Animal Crossing & Stardew Valley, and a multiplayer city building game with real cross-city economy. As a company, we’d like to tackle a number of different genres, build awesome decentralized experiences, and make them open source for the community to build on.

Animal Crossing

What does decentralized mean?

“Decentralized” means that there are no super user or groups on which the game world depends. This ensures that a game company or government cannot force updates that gamers don’t want. Also means the games can’t be shut down since players can run the game even without the game company.

What can we expect from the dev side of updates? Will this interfere with user created content? And how will users and devs creating new things at the same time pose a possible challenge?

On dev side of updates: regularly released features and content, bug and balance fixes, support for modders and creators. The core development team updates to improve the gaming experience, but the difference with traditional centralized games is that the community can decide whether or not to accept them. If the development team’s development direction have some issues, the community can adopt an older version of Nine Chronicles, or adopt a different direction of development as Nine Chronicles will be open sourced. The process of reaching consensus for the better game world will be very challenging, but we believe this will also open up many new opportunities as well.

Are there any art inspirations for the game? If yes, from where/who/what are they? Would it be possible to share early concepts for the game?

Art Director Caesty: I was inspired by the settings, the color spectrum and atmosphere of a deep forest, and I thought it would be pretty if I reinterpreted objects and creatures in different proportions on top of those colors.

I usually look at pictures of thin illumination striking light and dark color environment, and use this as an inspiration for the setting and styles for the world to be created.

Art inspirations for game

Will coins trade on the market?

Yes, you can earn the main currency by selling good items or can earn good items by paying the main currency.

Blockchain game project is challenging when you see many project get abandon and cancelled cause maybe the blockchain thing is new to many and not many people are into blockchain. Having own blockchain is an advantage but also promoting the blockchain to other to make a project is not easy so the dev is busy making its product on its blockchain do the team have any division that promote the blockchain to other Korean blockchain company to create project gaming or non gaming related ? Whats is the roadmap for the company on this challenging adventure of uncertainty ?

We are a very small team so that we don’t have a promotion/marketing division yet, but we have just started working with a great marketing team that will help us promote our games and philosophy. We don’t have 1+ year roadmap but in this year, we’ll focus mostly on Nine Chronicles PC/Mobile version. Libplanet will become more mature for Nine Chronicles to reach production level quality. We’re currently working on one game, but there are other teams starting to use Libplanet, and we’ll try to support other games to be built on using Libplanet around the end of the year.

Does the game have real-time multiplayer? And if so, how is this accomplished?

Nine Chronicles only has asynchronous multiplayer right now.

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Planetarium is an open-source blockchain platform set to transform the longevity and the profit model of games. Rather than simply introducing blockchain technology into games, we intend to make the games run forever through decentralization and pioneer a new form of community-powered games.

🎮 Do you play games? You can Sign up here to Nine Chronicle’s Alpha-beta.

👨‍💻 Are you a game developer?We’d love to talk! Please join our Discord and let’s start from there.

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