Aries New Moon, April 8, 2024: The Starting Line

The Magickal Mundane, A Dark Moon Newsletter | April 8, 2024

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Julia Raasch on Unsplash

On your mark, get set — go!

Wait — is that hesitation I sense? Fear?

Now is the time to honor your heart, throwing caution to the wind and staking your claim on your life’s direction. To be your own boss, independent of the environmental chains that bind us; instead bound to the passions that bond us.

About the Eclipse

April 8, 2024, is an Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse, bringing everybody together mid-workday to look away from our phones and up at the conjunction of our luminaries in the daytime sky. Though, if you haven’t a “cool” boss, or some other responsibility, you may not get that chance to see it.

Indeed, this New Moon in Aries is square to the Cancer-Capricorn axis of responsibility, irritating the reliable cycles and structures of time and history with something new and uncertain. In conjunction with Chiron, this New Moon aligns our identity with a certain woundedness, which offers a healing way forward should we err on the side of impulsive and strong Aries.

So, too, could our woundedness be reframed as our strength at this time, empowering us instead of victimizing, which is supported by Mercury retrograde in Aries as well.

Personally, I’ve embarked on a new healing journey and launched a new business all in the past week — both first inspired around New Year’s Day then had actually aligned and manifested just as this eclipse was building, even though I did use astrology to perfectly time my inevitable business launch that had to immediately happen! New is the name of the game, yet I’m still worried about the past repeating itself — unsure if those past issues have been thoroughly dealt with to ensure my newfound journeys’ success.

Therein lies the fear of losing, for Aries wants to win! But, is there ever a good time (so asks the astrologer)!?

Some beautiful occurrences I’ve bore witness to in the past few days are the neighborhood children finally taking an interest in each other after years of unnecessary separation. This has made my Aries Moon daughter’s heart sing!

And on the shadow side, I’ve seen bosses abuse their power and employees subsequently risk everything by standing up for themselves. Though, I’ve also seen where those with less power are not standing up for themselves — particularly the dependent Lunar people and codependent Libran people. My hope is that this eclipse is the not-so-subtle push they need to fight for and defend themselves, knowing that they have what it takes to survive and win.

Chart courtesy of Astro Gold iOS

New articles, writers, and newsletter!

The Planetary Arts Journal welcomes astrologers Queen Lovelee and destinyann as contributing writers. In late February, Destiny Ann wrote a piece on the Ascendant Ruler. Then just a few days ago, Queen Lovelee wrote about the eclipse!

I, too — Tara, founder of Lost Soul Astrology speaking — published a few pieces within the PAJ as I work to build this brand and its following.

As this newsletter builds a following and a foundation, there will be more to learn and share from these great astrologers!

So, please stay tuned and keep subscribed — with eyes and mind on the sky.

-Tara at Lost Soul Astrology



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at