Book Review: ‘Astrology Primer for Character Development’

Adding Astrology to the Writer’s Toolbox

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal


Screenshot of my Google Play Books purchase.

A raise of hands: Who is using astrology in their writing?

If you’re not, let author, publisher, and astrologer Penny Leigh Sebring convince you to with her latest release.

Hot off Kiki’s Castle Independent Press, Sebring marries her creative passions in “Astrology Primer for Character Development: Using Astrology to Create Believable Character.”

In this December 2023 release, Sebring offers writers (particularly the fiction-writing kind) a tried-and-true avenue for adding depth to their characters: Astrology. Written for the non-astrologer writer, the basic tenets of an astrological profile you might read for a living person are provided in transferrable terminology for any character of one’s imagination. These basics include descriptions of the planets, signs, Ascendant, lunar nodes, aspects, and overall thematic patterns.

Such descriptors offer insight into one’s strengths and weaknesses and what conditions might challenge or support these being expressed in one’s characters. Sebring emphasizes a character’s changeability — as if nothing (astrology included) is absolute and fated. Thereby, it can be inferred that her ideological stance is that free will exists both in fiction and reality.

Although written in laymen’s terms, Sebring guides the reader/writer toward choosing a few astrological features to base their character(s) on if an entire chart proves too complicated. Though, she often uses the entire chart for major characters and world-building purposes, with fewer astrological descriptors dedicated to her minor characters. She warns against basing characters on their Sun sign alone, for it may cause them to fall flat. Sebring emphasizes that the most dynamic characters are the most believable ones, and that a believable character will draw in a captivated audience.

Of course, this text has practical implications for the personal lives of its readers/writers as well, for this knowledge can be used and applied traditionally in understanding one’s own astrology. Writers with an interest in astrology might kill two birds with one stone on this Google Play Books purchase.

Only 60 pages, this eBook is chockfull of celestial insights and creative inspiration for readers, writers, astrologers, and believers in the universe alike.

Screenshot of “Astrology Primer for Character Development” in Google Play.

For more information on the author and publisher, click here.

To purchase this title, click here.

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EDITOR’S DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should be subject to varying interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including, and especially of, the medical and financial trades — with astrology or its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at https://linktr.ee/cazimimedia