Gemini New Moon Newsletter, June 2024

The monthly horoscopic message from Luna herself

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal


4 min readJun 5, 2024


Photo by Torbjørn Helgesen on Unsplash

Truth is stranger than fiction.

In our quest for facts, our journey may be thwarted by a surreal reality that challenges everything we thought we knew.

Are we the ultimate source of knowledge, or is it Spirit?

Right now, a chasm in understanding is occurring — with spiritual authority challenging our intuition, will, and relationships. It’s a trap we’ve eagerly walked into, and a web only we can get ourselves out of.

In fact, feelings of isolation are prominent. Though collectively we are all dealing with this Gemini New Moon-Venus Cazimi square Saturn in Pisces, our social inclinations are opening a wound to our separateness — even from God.

Square aspects infer action — with the New Moon the first step in setting an intention toward integrating the soul and mind in order to live with our choices and the karma they bring — that we actually, despite how it may feel, remain in step with spirit along our divine path.

The pronounced Gemini-Pisces square is a dichotomy of speed — fast and eager curiosity versus a lax, all-knowing. Neither mutable sign has the best filter, with ample mental and emotional stimuli ungrounding us — despite stoic Saturn’s best intentions.

Chart courtesy of Astro Gold iOS.

This is the astrology that makes for feeling alone when with others; when one feels unheard and unseen in conversation; when one’s authority of knowledge is undermined by a societal shift in informational appreciation. When one feels stupid and insecure; where no facts or figures are enough to prove one’s point.

This is not the best Gemini beginning, though we have to honor and acknowledge the dark twin within the sign of the twins. The one that is sensitive to information, or a lack thereof, and acts out mischievously without much regard for humanity.

And yet, here is the whole of humanity (in all-encompassing Pisces) challenging via Saturn the superficial tendencies of Gemini. We are forced to consider the consequences of our voice, language, and communications. We cannot get away with insensitivity; no, it is in this energy where literature is reworded to incorporate trigger warnings — whether or not they take the magic and autonomy away from the reader.

And even if anyone’s “told you so,” the consideration feels inconsiderate.

All we can do, in this moment of heightened neural sensitivity, is pause to reflect upon our language — that if we haven’t anything nice to say, perhaps we don’t say anything at all (which is hard for Gemini, particularly its dark twin!).

Just this morning, fresh from the rare disagreement between my husband and I last night, he says,

“I don’t want to hear your negativity first thing in the morning.”

What I thought was constructive criticism has been louder than my praise, and in place of what I’d normally blurt out without much thought is silence. I haven’t the right words to say, feeling as if I shouldn’t say anything at all.

And yet I want to talk this through, to remediate bad words with good words, but he doesn’t want to talk. And I don’t know what to say.

And so I write, journal, or otherwise reflect in a way that calls Spirit home — bridging any thoughtlessness with thoughtfulness until I have integrated a new language that my relationship calls for.

With the Gemini New Moon a time for setting intentions, may you find new words in your personal lexicon, too, that speak to not only your truth but your heart and your humanity.

Click here to read this week’s collective, all-sign horoscope in full.

Click here to read this year’s Gemini season collective horoscope.

EDITOR’S DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should be subject to varying interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including, and especially of, the medical and financial trades — with astrology or its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Self-discovery drives destiny. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal. Also writing as Tara Nicole Szkutnik (or, tnszk)