Jupiter and the Radicalization of Colleges

And what Uranus has to do with it, now

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal
4 min readMay 4, 2024


Confetti permeates the air at a college’s commencement ceremony.
Photo by Keith Luke on Unsplash

Standing alone, Jupiter stands out — expanding to take up space and be counted as the largest planet in our immediate celestial surroundings next to the Sun, with its astrologically symbolic meaning not unlike its physical manifestation.

It has dominion over both a third of the Zodiac’s fire element, in Sagittarius, and water, in Pisces. While it may be all a bunch of hot air, like that of its native embodiments — such as doctors, politicians, clergyman, and teachers — its inspiring tone strikes a nerve with those who need meaning in their lives, transcending our understanding of our existence toward greater things, far beyond the Sagittarian scope of medicine or politics or religion or higher education to Piscean oneness with God itself.

Talk about power and influence — that which is stronger than all talk, for we have protests lining our colleges as we speak. It’s no surprise, as Sagittarius (the sign synonymous with higher education) in particular is the great debater — regardless of whether there is a planet occupying Sag at this time (and there isn’t). But this isn’t all Jupiter, for Uranus and the gas giant just combined in a conjunction only experienced every 12 years on April 20, 2024.

As politicians and mass media call out the radicalization of colleges as few Israel-Hamas war protesters are found wearing the latter’s terrorist insignia, and/or engaging in combat training amid their illegal encampments, we must separate this “radicalization” from Jupiter and instead introduce Uranus, the great disrupter.

Indeed, radical is a known keyword for Uranus and the Zodiac sign it rules by modern astrological practice, Aquarius.

But neither Jupiter nor Uranus are occupying Aquarius right now — alas, it is Pluto (dun-dun-dun, dare I say, for emphasis). But as far outer planets go, Uranus and Pluto don’t have the same impact as those closer to us in orbit (like social planets Jupiter and Saturn). Emphasis on the word social, for Jupiter involves itself in the makings for generations and the great impact they leave. (Not to say the transpersonal outers do not, but they’re involvement is usually felt much more subconsciously unless aligning by aspect with a closer, social or personal — like the aforementioned Jupiter-Uranus conjunction!)

Regardless of where Uranus finds itself along the ecliptic, its radical cause remains. Now in Taurus (along with Jupiter), the changes it seeks are with regard to values, money, physical security, resources like food and how one attains them — such as with agriculture, and even self-esteem. But what do those things have to do with the Israel-Hamas protests?

Money is power, so students are demanding the universities they’ve sold their souls to with tuition and time to sever any financial ties they have toward funding the Israeli side of the war. And yet, this is all in the backdrop of antisemitic intimidation and physical accosting of Jewish students whose safety is lost with the universities’ administrative silence — that is, until the cops swarmed in once days turned into weeks of illegal encampments and failure to negotiate (not unlike the inconsistent ceasefire within the actual war).

When one Zodiac sign is triggered, it often activates a larger theme of corresponding signs — namely, those that share the same modality, for it is the signs that form hard aspects like squares and oppositions that warrant the most immediate response and action. In Taurus, this equates to fellow fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

Unsurprisingly, Pluto in Aquarius is involved — yet many of the events’ layers have a Scorpionic theme. Modernly ruled by Pluto, Scorpio represents taboo subjects, other people’s money, and insecurity. It is since the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20 that we had a Scorpio Full Moon days later.

Thankfully, May ushers in a lighter, airy season with the Sun’s Gemini ingress on May 20, shortly followed by Jupiter’s Gemini ingress on May 25.

Jupiter will no longer align with radical Uranus, but move to support thinking for itself with new ideas on the horizon (which is really all Aquarius wants — independence — and yet Taurus can really get stuck in stubbornness for a bit before pressure builds to an explosion).

Jupiter in Gemini, however, is technically in detriment (a condition outlined by Ptolemy’s Essential Dignities) given the placement opposite of Jupiter’s rulership (that of Sagittarius). However, the last thing we need is to fuel the fires of groupthink and potential dogmatism, anyway. Thinking for ourselves and free associating at lightning speeds may help us reach quicker resolutions, or at least pave the way for increased communications within our suffering local communities.

Often regarded as the Greater Benefic, we cannot forget Jupiter’s push toward optimism and faith — ideas lost on us when we confine ourselves to stubbornness and fear.

As Uranus in Taurus compels us to believe the future is now, how can we balance this duality in a way that is inclusive, and dare I say, safe?

EDITOR’S DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should be subject to varying interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including, and especially of, the medical and financial trades — with astrology or its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at https://linktr.ee/cazimimedia