Leo New Moon Newsletter, August 2024 — A Spectrum of Childishness

A Free Monthly Horoscope for the Collective

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal
4 min readAug 4, 2024


I almost didn’t write this thing.

I’ve had paralyzing anxiety all week, raising my blood pressure from normal lows to crazy highs — leaving me bereft of any confidence I’d had in myself as I question anything and everything (including me).

I long for the silence lost in this Gemini Mars season. A mental break from the breakdown Mercury in Virgo invites as it analyzes every little thing — sapping Leonine joy in a season when childishness should prosper.

And yet, are we leaning too hard into the lower octave of childishness, picking petty fights to prove one is right — when everyone’s wrong in this losing battle?

My inner child desires release. A relinquishing of the adulting we struggle to let go of, if not for our pride!

And as this Leo New Moon suggests, perhaps you, too, need to release your inner child. Not letting them go, but revealing them once more — if you’ve the courage to be so vulnerable.

In this week’s horoscope, I relayed that “you are enough.” This remains true. That perfection is an unrealistic facade that sells self-improvement. But you’re rather beautiful and perfect with all your imperfections — you just need the right audience. Beginning with you.

Amid a summer heat wave and rampant wildfires across the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, it feels appropriate to quote Disney’s “Frozen.” To “show yourself,” and that “you are the one you’ve been waiting for all of your life.”

That when faced with indecision, all one has to do is “the next right thing.” Not what is right for you when considering another — in a losing game of comparison and popularity — but what is right for you, truly, without the noise of the naysayers.

For if you’re doing you, then you’re in the strongest position, radiating a Leonine glow that is life-giving and attracts a crowd whether you want one or not.

Of course, we have to check our intentions. Are they extrinsically motivated, or intrinsic? Do we maintain utmost control over its energetic frequency or do we give away our power to another?

An ongoing dance of pessimism and optimism based on external events out of our control invites neurotic strategizing that sways from our true north — currently positioned in Aries as the North Node.

The New Moon in Leo invites us to return as center of our universe, even if we haven’t others’ support — particularly those in positions of power.

But what is power, really? Is it in the people? Or in the person?

The 13 Leo Sabian symbol describes the dangers of living outside the present. The building Jupiter-Saturn square, plus Mercury in Virgo soon to be retrograde in Leo, has us taking few steps forward and back as we try to calculate our next moves and retrace our steps to come out on top.

How many Leos choose the leadership position, versus having it chosen for them?

Do they shy from the call to serve, or are they merely just following their big hearts?

In natural opposition to Saturn-ruled Aquarius, Leo is merely another iteration of responsibility — much like Saturn-ruled Capricorn and its opposite, Moon-ruled Cancer.

But it is the Sun that is life-giving; its Leonine controlled burn a necessary warmth to keep us Earthside. Without it, we’d be nothing. And so we must give thanks to the Sun, or the Son (depending on your views). And to whatever’s in our hearts driving us; that purpose we identify with.

For while the credit and nobility is flattering, it’s really the joy that keeps us going. And particular, the fun that causes Saturnian time to fly.

Living in the moment. Losing track of time.

Perhaps it’s no surprise that Leonine solar energy translates to creativity. Where we lose track of time finding ourselves in our hobbies and passions — even romantic love.

When we’re free like children without learned insecurities and responsibilities to try new things with confidence, unbelieving we could even fail.

The Leo New Moon is in a separating trine to the North Node in Aries, reminding us that what is best for us is what is best for everyone else.

And while leaning into our hearts and the core of our being may seem irresponsible or out-of-step with our spirituality, we need to reacquaint ourselves with our personal responsibility and the spirit within.

So, please, don’t listen to the voices outside your own head. But, rather, with Mercury turning retrograde this very New Moon in Leo day, Sunday, August 4, 2024, spread positive affirmations at the person in your reflection — telling yourself that you are, indeed, enough and perfect just the way you are. Leaning hard into self-love, versus self-improvement, and emanating a confidence that only you can create…

…though just wait — ’cause it’s contagious in the best way.

EDITOR’S DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should be subject to varying interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including, and especially of, the medical and financial trades — with astrology or its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at https://linktr.ee/cazimimedia