Scorpio Full Moon, April 23: The Stuff of Nightmares

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal
4 min readApr 23, 2024


Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

I usually prefer to leave the fear-mongering out of my astrological delineations, but the shadow world is bleeding into the headlines — essentially unavoidable and begging for us to face it.

While this Devil we know may be within, I’d be remiss to ignore the dangers lurking outside of ourselves — that which warrant the distrust, suspicion, and other psychological underpinnings Scorpio is known for.

Yesterday morning, I awoke to my children asleep on the sofa — a one-off oddity only because they’re recovering from COVID. But then I heard a rattling in the nearby kitchen; its display said the fan was on, but I couldn’t turn it off. Not until I turned the gas burner off! Yes, the one overnight my children spent nearest the kitchen was the same period of time in which gas was slowly seeping into the house with the oven trying to suck up the fumes. I returned to my children to ensure they were breathing, then went about my morning — albeit spooked. And last night, our usually calm and quiet Miniature American Shepherd began barking loudly and aggressively for 15 minutes. Knowing we were heading into the Scorpio Full Moon, I requested my husband do a full perimeter check. The house was secure, but were we?



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Self-discovery drives destiny. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal. Also writing as Tara Nicole Szkutnik (or, tnszk)