Taurus New Moon Newsletter, May 2024

A Monthly Horoscope for the Collective

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal
4 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

“I’ve figured out God’s greatest creation,” my grandma tells me after a weekend homesteading on her granddaughter’s ranch, “seeds.”

And if that’s not a Taurus New Moon statement, I don’t know what is!

Astrologers often describe the lunar cycle to that of a plant’s growth, from seed to decay — and everything in-between. And again, we are at the lunation where everything falls away to make room for the new — set forth by the New Moon, of course. This one in Taurus, there’s added emphasis on life’s simplicities that can be found on the farm and in the garden.

Here in Colorado, Mother’s Day — which is only days away — is synonymous for planting seeds to begin the season. And yet Taurus is a fixed sign — not one for starts like the cardinal modality. Though, here it is meant that spring is in full-swing, that we can rely upon the spring season enough to less fear snow and more fear hail! Serious jokes aside, there is a certainty now to the season that we can put our heavier-duty snow gear away until fall, making way for gardening gloves and rain boots.

Taurus is known for its steadiness, but also its stubbornness — bull-headedness! Yet, this consistency is reliable — and therefore trustworthy, instilling a secure attachment. After the Scorpio Full Moon illuminated our fears and insecurities, it is time to set our intentions for boosting — or at least maintaining — our safety and security.

Oftentimes, what feels safe is a thing like a house or money. Though, Taurus also represents other resources, like tools. And we may have those things, but they mean less if we haven’t a clue what to do with them. Such knowledge instills self-esteem, another Taurus topic that makes us feel better. Food, as well as body image, are others.

Chart courtesy of Astro Gold iOS.

As the Taurus New Moon perfects toward the end of Tuesday, May 7, 2024, it kisses Saturn goodbye in a separating sextile. There are opportunities for wisdom gained, here, if we sit in the stillness and simplicity of Taurus — exercising our physical, animalistic senses to combine instinct and intuition (and reflex accordingly).

Though, there may be an immovable stubbornness that prefers stagnation over change — that doing nothing is a power move. That may be so, but Taurus is quite the worker with its nose to the grind, even if the actions may seem monotonous or boring on the outside. It is a different kind of peace than the one fellow Venus-ruled sign, Libra, reaches. Taurus is less complicated by relationships and compromise, yet this New Moon in a quincunx to the South Node in Libra may aggravate the status-quo, particularly ongoing themes of independence versus democracy.

Here, letting go is indeed a power move, supported by Saturn in Pisces who suggests we need to work on our mental health. And is there no better place than in a garden, kitchen, or amongst animals?

Yes, there are still wars going on. Yes, there are people depending on us. Yes, we have our own goals as well that warrant action. And we’ll get to all of that, in our own divine time, for Taurus has a few other things its synonymous for: slowness and patience.

I haven’t found as much time to write, let alone study, about astrology since I’ve returned to work writing personal essays and editing book manuscripts. It’s easy to fall into negative self-talk and irritability when faced with writer’s (and editor’s) block or illness or technical difficulties — yet we have to seize these moments as opportunities to bring self-love and confidence in, particularly as hard-working Taurus squares the signs and symbology of creative Leo and detached Aquarius.

These new seeds we plant won’t sprout today or tomorrow, though we’ll need to remember to water them and give them ample sunshine or shade, depending upon their particulars. But the effort we put into them is timeless — with the process perhaps more enjoyable than the end result, if we truly take the time to notice and give ourselves and the universe grace as we manifest the grand vision.

EDITOR’S DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should be subject to varying interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including, and especially of, the medical and financial trades — with astrology or its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at https://linktr.ee/cazimimedia