The Angst of the Anaretic Degree

Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal
3 min readJan 20, 2024
Pictured: Astrophyllite, black tourmaline, sunstone, selenite, tiger eye, obsidian, and clear quartz.

Today we sit in the astrological domain of an anaretic degree with Pluto at the 29th — the last — degree of Capricorn. And while Pluto typically remains in a spot for a while, tonight it shifts out of it and into Aquarius, hence the potency of the placement.

In my attunement with the stars, I have become increasingly aware of the intensity that this placement expresses. At the anaretic degree, all of the Zodiacal sign in which it resides has been covered before and is now harnessed, holding strong until the inevitability of change shall suddenly spring us forward into the unknown.

Now, how familiar we are with this placement depends upon the celestial body. To better capture the essence of the anaretic degree, we may use our ephemeris to find Luna in this position every two to three days. Or the Sun, every month — like yesterday and the earlier hours of today! Do you remember when Pluto sat at the 29th degree last March, before it entered Aquarius for the first time in our lifetime?

Last year, the Sun wasn’t conjunct Pluto in Capricorn upon Pluto’s Aquarian ingress. This year, it is, so we may be feeling it more profoundly — even if it’s merely angst.

Study of the individual degrees of the Zodiac culminated in the Sabian Symbols, analyzed by Marc Edmund Jones in his book of the same title. Others have expanded upon this theory that each degree holds an energy, including that of Dane Rudhyar and James Burgess. At 30 Capricorn (which harnesses the energy of 29 degrees thru 29 degrees and 59 minutes), Burgess calls it “high-level management.” I’d mentioned in earlier writings that at the end of Capricorn, Pluto is trying to hold onto institutional power before the people try taking it back in Aquarius.

My advice for this day especially is to neither push nor hold our breath too long. The energy is intense, and we may want to protect ourselves through groundedness, especially as Luna has just entered scattered Gemini and we may be feeling ungrounded … and as the Sun has just entered the strangeness of Aquarius.

If weird weather patterns have you an unthawed ground to stand on, perhaps dipping your toes in the dirt would do you good. Or, finding yourself amongst your favorite stones — particularly black, protective ones like obsidian, tourmaline, and onyx and grounding ones like hematite. Though, too, adding some sunstone to usher in the light is great.

If you’re feeling particularly connected to the cosmos, in alignment, then maybe even a stone with storm properties (e.g., astrophyllite or moldavite) would aid in your journey — though I’d exercise caution of using this without some other psychic protection since the astrology is so powerful today.

Welcome to the season of Aquarius. Or is it the age?

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EDITOR’S DISCLAIMER: Astrology is both an art and an inexact science and should be subject to varying interpretation due to its human influence. In this way, astrology is best utilized for entertainment purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest, but never replace sound advice from a variety of skilled professionals — including, and especially of, the medical and financial trades — with astrology or its astrologers. In case of a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact your local authorities.



Lost Soul Astrology
Planetary Arts Journal

Mundane Horoscopes for All Zodiac Signs. Editor of the Planetary Arts Journal: Accepting new writers. Connect at