The Inevitable Theme This Solar Eclipse Will Bring to Your Life

Questioning your authenticity to yourself and others

Queen Lovelee
Planetary Arts Journal


Photo by Justin Dickey on Unsplash

The Astrological Significance of Eclipse Season

In Astrology, there are LUNAR NODES. There is a North Node and a South Node. These are karmic checkpoints during our journey here on Earth. The North Node energy is what you agree to strive towards in this lifetime, while the South Node energy is indicative of your previous lifetimes as well as the energy your soul has mastered and is very comfortable in. The South Node deals with attachment and necessary DETACHMENT while North Node deals with INTEGRATION. The goal is to find a happy medium between the two energies.

On a collective scale, we experience transits of the planets and celestial points, like nodes, on a daily basis.

The way in which astrologers are able to predict the collective energy is by looking at the nodes. The South Node is currently in Libra, a Venus-ruled sign which deals with justice, politics, partnerships, marriage, agreements, and contracts, and balance. Then there’s the North Node in Aries, a Mars-ruled sign which deals with aggression, conflict, physical altercations, quick movement, passion, and SELF.



Queen Lovelee
Planetary Arts Journal

Writer | Life Coach | Social Worker | Astrologer | 28 | NYC GIRL AT HEART