The Planet That Represents YOU in Your Birth Chart

Ancient and modern astrologers agree on the importance of your ascendant ruling planet in your life story.

Planetary Arts Journal


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

The Ascendant Sign

In traditional astrology, the Rising or Ascendant sign (AKA the sign that was ascending the horizon when you were born) was given even more clout than your “Zodiac” or Sun sign.

Somewhere along the way in modern times, the Ascendant sign lost some of the vital importance it was given back then.

Many people in modern times do not know their birth time and in certain places around the world across different time periods, birth times were not recorded on birth certificates. In order to feed horoscopes to the masses, the Sun sign was used. (After all, it is one of the easiest things to determine in the astrological birth chart.)

Pretty hard to get your Sun sign wrong, although, trust me, that does happen.

At one point in time, astrology and astronomy were one and the same. And a doctor would not dare examine you, let alone diagnose you without having a copy of your complete astrological chart.

I imagine that because astrology was so central to society, birth times were promptly recorded, and birth charts…



Planetary Arts Journal

Astrologer, writer, and lover of topics related to spirituality, life purpose, and self-development.