We Need More Heroic Celebrities Helping With Tyranny and Disaster Relief

A Few Major Celebrities Have Been Signal Boosting Volunteer Efforts — But We Need More Doing the Same

A lot of my resistance work involves boosting the signal of voices all over the world — voices that struggle to be heard otherwise.

There are a handful of celebrities who do their best to help. People like George Takei, Alyssa Milano, Mark Ruffalo, Mark Hamill — they are aligned with and supporting #TheResistance. They can be found on Twitter — you can follow me to see my retweets (@lisaga).

One celebrity retweet — like this one from Star Wars’ Mark Hamill — can mean thousands more people can see the calls for assistance.

Mark Ruffalo has been a great help, as well — in addition to participating in the #Charlottesville to DC march:

Trump’s war on science, including climate change denial and cutting critical funding to organizations who work on climate, pollution, toxicity, and disaster relief.

We now have crises all over the world, with many very close to home. Volunteers have been filling the gaps left by policies and funding structures that have left states and local governments without the support they need to ensure the safety of their citizens. Organizations like Team Rubicon, a volunteer organization that recruits military veterans to help in natural disasters, have stepped up. As veterans our commitment to serve transcends our stints in the military — and many veterans have valuable logistics and physical relief skills:

In short, many of us are gifting humanity with our attention — it’s the least we can do when so money of our fellow humans (and animals, too) are suffering:

I have been recording a series of short videos to help new resisters learn our craft:

About me: I am a socio-cultural anthropologist, futurist, US Army veteran (military intelligence), and #TheResistance activist.



Dr. Lisa Galarneau aka Artemis Pax
Planetary Liberation Force - The Resistance — The People’s New Deal

Anthropologist, Futurist, Design/UX Researcher, Veteran, Lightworker, Democrat, #TheResistance Activist. and Artist