Ansible wait_for with docker_container

Till Klampaeckel
Published in
1 min readJan 16, 2019

When using Ansible’sdocker_container to manage containers, we’ve seen people use wait_for ensure the container is started.

This requires that the container exposes a port and typically on the host network. Then the IP and the exposed/published port can be used to verify the container (or the service inside) is running.

What if there is no port, or no host binding?

If there is nothing to expose from the container (e.g. think of a queue worker), the following can be done:

If however you expose a port, but not on the host, then the following will help to grab the IP of the container and to be able to verify operation:


That’s all, thanks for reading.



Till Klampaeckel

I’m Till. From Berlin. Mostly sarcastic about technology, but never the less interested in it.