Community Update 05.17.24 — Suit Up

Planet Atmos
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2024

This week was all about celebrating the MKIV Exo. It began with the launch of the MKIV Datacard Burn-to-Claim site, where holders were given the opportunity to burn their Datacard(s) in exchange for a MKIV Exo from the Genesis Collection. Once the Datacard inferno started to simmer down, it was time to prepare for the MKIV Exo reveal; and what better time to host a party with our fellow Atmosians. Let’s go!

Let It Burn

MKIV Datacard holders had the chance to be part of an incendiary revolution on Planet Atmos, virtually tossing their Datacards into the fire in exchange for a brand new MKIV Exo. After the completion of the MKIV Exo Genesis Collection mint on Magic Eden, the Burn-to-Claim window for MKIV Datacard holders was opened and the digital flames began to ignite.

Following some feedback from the community, the claim window was extended through Friday, May 23, at 1pm PT. There is no cost to exchange a Datacard for a Genesis Edition MKIV Exo during this time, aside from the gas required to make the transaction. Holders who burned their Datacards before 1pm PT on Friday, May 17th also got a chance at receiving an Apex or Elite suit from the exchange.

The MKIV Exo Reveal

After they minted their MKIV Exo from Magic Eden and/or burned their Datacards for one, community members started flexing their meme game in Discord and on X (Twitter) while waiting to see what they got. On Monday, May 20, at 10am PT, the MKIV Exo Genesis Collection will be revealed to the world and we will be hosting a reveal party in the Planet Atmos Discord to celebrate this milestone with our community. Join us for Exos, music, and more on Monday at 10am PT.

Community Games and Perks

Our citizens were invited to join members from our extended communities, Socials Rising and PaladinsDAO, to play Forgotten Playland, an upcoming free-to-play social party game. We look forward to more games with frenz and can’t wait to host more ExoGP tournaments and events soon.

One of the best things about connecting with other communities in the same space is the extras we get to offer to our members. This week, through our community collaboration with Knights of The Ether, MKIV Exo holders were invited to participate in their new incentive program on Arbitrium.

Community Highlight

For this week’s community member shout-out, we want to give a round of virtual high fives to Gaidheil. It’s great to see a community working together toward a common goal and Gaidheil has been extremely helpful giving directions to new recruits and answering questions about Planet Atmos, the mint, and the Exo. Thank you, Gaidheil, for all your support and for being a part of our community.



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