Community Update 08.02.24 — The Word is Out

Planet Atmos
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2024

This week, Planet Atmos welcomed new pilots into our ecosystem through competition, community, and content. Old friends Luke and Mizzy helped us tell the story of Season Zero, while a new community member crafted their first impression on ExoGP. We’re thrilled to see folks making this ecosystem their own with style and a side of humor. After all, it’s fk’n jetpacks in space.

Game Night

The king of the courses remains on top once again this week. Rush maintained his crown as the fastest Pilot of the night for our latest ExoGP Game Night, with Val Valiant holding down the runner-up slot. We saw a new talented rookie take over 3rd place this week while also winning a MKIV Genesis Exo after KBeau upped the ante with a surprise bonus raffle. Congrats to CHOMOZ on a brand new Genesis Exo and a coveted position on the ExoGP podium. Master Chef RamenCash joined us as well and streamed the event on X (Twitter).

The Word is Out

We’re not the only ones talking about ExoGP and we’ve been seeing some amazing gameplay videos, game night recaps, and other related content out in the wild lately. Community members, ambassadors, community partners, and rookie pilots of all kinds have all been sharing their experiences with ExoGP. A few of our favorites from this week came from Luke Franks, Ukin, MetaGaming Guild, MK, and Swipyy. Great work, citizens! Thank you all for playing and for sharing.

Incoming Flight News

Don’t miss Community Game Night each week for the latest alpha delivered live to our core community. Season Zero is just getting started! Game patches and new points opportunities are around the corner. Pop in to Discord to get the latest download from our CMs in between weekly gatherings.

Community Highlight

This week, we want to give a shoutout to CHOMOZ, a remarkable new member of our community. CHOMOZ has quickly made a name for themselves by climbing the ExoGP leaderboards, already reaching 4th on the leaderboards for our map of the week, Sunrise. Don’t let the OGs intimidate you… there’s room for rookies to make a name for themselves in ExoGP. Get in the game!



Planet Atmos

The Official Medium of Planet Atmos, Exordium, and ExoGP