Community Update #26 — The Q4 Wrap Up

Planet Atmos
Published in
6 min readDec 30, 2022

Fellow Atmosians, this has been a tremendously eventful quarter. We hosted numerous events and collaborations with new and long-term friends, we continued to build our world with the community with beautiful storytelling, we increased our community’s engagement and strength, and we released two digital collectibles for our community to enjoy.

We’re also looking to the future and the new year — we cannot wait to continue building, sharing, and growing with you all.

Digital Collectibles

There are now three digital collectibles within the Atmos universe — each of them providing unique experiences and utility within Atmos. Two of these three were initially released this past quarter, and the third found greater popularity then as well.

MKIV Datacard

Launched on June 20th, 2022, the MKIV Datacard is the first digital collectible that the Planet Atmos team released upon exiting stealth and is therefore the marker of our most OG community. There is a total supply of 2250 MKIV Datacards. Datacard holder support is vitally important for this new world we are building. We will reciprocate the support and belief our Datacard holders have shown us through information, access, and benefits.

The Datacard holds information and unlocks access. Sometimes that access is exclusive, and sometimes it is early access. Learn more about the MKIV Datacard and its utility.

During the free mint of Exordium Chapter 01, the Datacard minted out as well.

Exordium Chapter 01

When the team released the first chapter of Atmos: Exordium, we were delighted by the number of folks who participated in the free mint to receive a copy of the Digital Collector’s Edition — there are a total of 2500 copies of the Digital Collector’s Edition of Atmos: Exordium Chapter 01. As a result of this mint, we expanded our community who were eager to learn more about Atmos and what it meant to hold one of these collector’s editions.

Similar to our MKIV Datacard, the Digital Collector’s Edition of Atmos: Exordium Chapter 01 has additional perks for those who hold it.

There is also a standard digital edition of this comic that we have chosen to publish on a few digital platforms such as Amazon and Kobo. This version is directly focused giving access to the comic community that may not be interested in digital collectables but still wish to read the story. There are no associated perks with this version of the comic.

Learn more about the Exordium series.

Prototype Helm

The Atmos Labs team was thrilled to announce the first release of Exo gear: the Prototype Helm. Ahead of the full production run of the Genesis MKIV, Emergent Intergalactic released the first collection of 512 playable, prototype Helms — styled in the fashion of the top 8 ExoGP teams.

As always, MKIV Datacard holders got the first crack at the mint, and those who showed up also received two additional Helms for their participation in the mint.

These Helms were an ultra-limited run of ExoGP team-themed, in a trim that will never be available again within the world of Atmos. Wearing this Helm in game will be a flex, a demonstration of a player’s affinity for a team in a way that no one else will be able to match without one.

Learn more about the Prototype Helms, the top ExoGP teams, and more.


In Q4 2022, we began to more aggressively pursue collaboration opportunities with our partners and new friends. From game nights, to giveaways, to AMAs, and more, we were happy to share more about Atmos with new communities and provide chances for our community to meet new folks and see new projects.

Mad Lads Guild

One of the first communities to find Atmos after it exited stealth was Mad Lads Guild. This group of fun-loving gamers saw the Atmos community for what it was: a welcoming and exciting place for gamers, storytellers, and cryptonauts. We were so grateful to partner with them numerous times to bring poker games and prizes to both of these awesome communities.

This is far from the last time we’ll work with them to have engagement opportunities — we can’t wait until our next one.


Collaborations are not only about playing games, they can also be opportunities to gain access to other exciting projects. We teamed up with our friends at Polycade, the next generation arcade, to give out allowlist slots to their digital cartridge mint.

Planet Atmos community members and Datacard holders were able to enter for the chance to win allowlist spots to mint Shantell Martin’s artistic rendition of the classic Atari game, Asteroids.

Learn more about Polycade, and keep an eye out for more to come from this collaboration with Polycade in the new year.


To help spread the word about Planet Atmos, we’ve been happy to partner with folks like our friends at Defina to run a giveaway and have an AMA with their community!

Atmos Labs’ Founder & CEO stopped by the Defina discord to chat with the Defina community, answer questions, and even gift some MKIV Datacards.

We deeply appreciated their attention to detail, fun, and leadership as important qualities of projects they find interesting. The Planet Atmos team cannot wait to keep this friendship going forward and have even more opportunities for our communities to connect!

More to Come

In 2023, we’re eager to continue expanding our collaborations, partnerships, and friendships within the space and other communities. If you have suggestions for projects, communities, or other collaborations, please let us know in our Discord or on our Twitter for us to add to the list for research and outreach.

Community First

Like last quarterly update, we want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate our most active and engaged community members. Their conversations and contributions help make Planet Atmos great, and we are incredibly grateful to them and everyone else in the community for making it a positive, engaging, and inclusive space.

Community Volunteer Mods

We are so grateful for our Discord volunteer moderators — they help with off-hour questions, translations, and general engagement with our community. For the holiday season, we’re sending them a Prototype Helm each as a token of our appreciation. Thank you to:

  • 原来是你
  • K8
  • OlegGolikov

Top Chatters

We’ve seen new, active community members in league with some of the first folks to find us. It has been incredible to be part of these conversations with you all. A special thanks to the following folks — but we’re happy to have all of you in our community!

Old Guard:

  • Kryptonverse
  • Yong || MLG
  • Keilo
  • ImHiddenFromView
  • Canny20

New Blood:

  • Gritbeat
  • Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrots
  • Kcaryths
  • My name is baaaa
  • KojiCapital.eth
  • aris.kamvysis


Where would we be without gm & gn? Here are some of our most consistent greeters!

  • Swanma2
  • Bryanhan65.bnb🍺 | .hooked

Our Entire Community

We are thankful for each and every one of our community members for their participation, in so many ways, in our world. We’re still very early and continue to be humbled by your desire to come along for the journey. Over the coming months, we are working on more engagement opportunities and more chances to recognize and enshrine our most active community contributors.

What Comes Next

2023 will be a pivotal year for so many in the game, entertainment, and blockchain industries — Planet Atmos is no different. We have events, opportunities, and releases all planned for the year to bring Planet Atmos to life.

Our intention is to build a truly immersive world, with great care to deliver authentic and delightful experiences to our community — while also expanding it. This is not a sprint, we are taking our time and building intentionally, this is the only way to build for the long term. We are thrilled to have our most ardent supporters along for the journey with us as we travel beyond our galaxy to Planet Atmos.


Update: We have updated the discord link in this post.



Planet Atmos

The Official Medium of Planet Atmos, Exordium, and ExoGP