Community Update #40 — Q1 2023

Planet Atmos
Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2023

The first quarter of Earth-year 2023 came to a close last week, and we take the opportunity to review what’s been happening within the Planet Atmos community. Without any further ado, here we go!

A Note from the CEO

Atmos Labs’ Founder & CEO Kevin Beauregard laid the tracks for Planet Atmos in 2023 with an extensive update on our progress thus far and our plans for the year.

As Kevin explained, we are deep in development building our first AAA racing game, ExoGP, and much of our time has been spent refining the control system, honing game mechanics, and building out tracks and environments.

Based on our progress to date, first-playable playtests with specially invited Planet Atmos Datacard holders are anticipated to begin in Q2. We are in the finishing stages of finalizing the MKIV Exo kit and some preliminary information on what will be showing up in-game was also outlined in this update.

Reread the full update here.


We introduced “The Forge”, our new Dev Blog, where we will be sharing concepts, prototypes, and developmental updates and imagery from the Atmos Labs team. The Forge will be a venue for us to showcase our progress on the development of ExoGP and the world in which it exists.

As described in our first edition, Planet Atmos is an arena for fandom, individuality, camaraderie, and having an immersive, multi-faceted playing and viewing experience. Whether one is a pro player or a fan looking to watch the races, we will create touchpoints where play, viewing, community engagement, and personal expression can exist and transcend media and community boundaries.

We will be further outlining and defining what we have termed ‘metaverse-native sports’ — exhibitions of competitive excellence that are inspired by evolved digital modes of participation and spectatorship. As we lay the foundation for this new category of sports, The Forge will offer an inside look into how we are building environments, controls, spectatorship, and more for the world of Atmos.

Reread the first issue of The Forge here.

Exordium Chapter 02

We released the Digital Collector’s Edition of Exordium Chapter 02 early Q1. This follows the first installment of our nine-part comic series outlining the story of Atmos and ExoGP through the eyes of Atmosi killer on the run, Addy Aker. Bloodied by her encounter on the planet’s surface, Aker awakens in shackles. Held by Emergent’s cruel and corrupt Huskarls, she will find herself defended by an unlikely ally — someone willing to overlook her criminal past in their pursuit of racing glory.

Exordium Ch 02 was offered as a free mint and holders of any Planet Atmos Digital Collectible (MKIV Datacard, Exordium Ch 01, and/or MKIV Prototype Helm) were added to an allowlist for an exclusive early mint window that opened on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

We even included a community easter egg to celebrate one of our earliest community members, Keilo, in this issue. It was also a question during the extreme popular pub quiz night we held in the Good Greave, the Atmosian pub, in our discord. Did you find the easter egg? Be sure to go back and read Chapter 02 if you haven’t!

We also released the Standard Digital Edition of Exordium Ch 02 on Amazon’s comic viewer site, Comixology.

In the News, In the Know

Kevin was featured in a number of industry publications across different mediums throughout the quarter. Some of our favorites include:

  • Bloq Sync, the newsletter our partner Bloq publishes on current happenings and trends in the web3 industry
  • NFT Lately, industry news with a particular focus on NFTs and their applications.
  • Adult Fantasy podcast, a videocast discussing the use of digital collectibles in comics, the benefits therein, and more.

And more to come!

Community and Collaboration

Our community continues to humble us every step of the way in this journey together. In Q1, we strengthened our friendship with other communities like the Mad Lads Guild and Mecha Fight Club through poker matches and chess tournaments. We were able to team up with new friends CapsuleNFT, Balthazaar, Legendary Heroes Unchained, InfiniGods, and more for giveaway opportunities, discussions about Planet Atmos, and more.

We also welcomed many new folks to the community, with the old guard showing the new blood the way around. Of course we need to thank our community moderators as well, who continue to step up and help folks in the non-english language channels feel at home on Planet Atmos.

Stop by the Discord soon to say hi to everyone and introduce yourself if you haven’t already.


There are many more exciting developments to take place over the coming months — we will keep the entire community updated as they happen. Once again, we cannot express our gratitude to the folks with us on this intergalactic journey of storytelling, innovation, and metaverse native sports.


Update: We have updated the discord link in this post.



Planet Atmos

The Official Medium of Planet Atmos, Exordium, and ExoGP