Community Update #9

Planet Atmos
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2022

As this week ends it’s time to share another round at The Good Greave and review the latest edition of our Community Update. We discuss new supporting roles in the community, an update to the Planet Atmos Portal, a new creative writing channel in the Discord, more Atmosian artwork, Atmos Labs’ Tommy Lee Edwards at Emerald City Comic Con, and, of course, our community member highlights.

Let’s get started.

Volunteer Community Moderators

As announced last week, we now have @K8, @原来是你, and @OlegGolikov helping us out as volunteer community mods in our Discord while we test this role within our community. We believe they are all doing an excellent job thus far and we want to call them out for their great work. The trial period will run until the end of the month, if you have any thoughts or opinions about the continuation of this role on Planet Atmos, please let us know. Portal Update

We’ve updated the Atmos Portal to give users the ability to link multiple wallet addresses to their Planet Atmos account. This means that you can log in, purchase NFTs, and view any Planet Atmos NFTs using any linked address. You can access the wallet tab by clicking the icon in the upper right corner and selecting “Preferences.”

We will continue to find ways of making the Portal more accessible, more beautiful, and more useful for our community.

Atmosi Slang

This week we opened up a new channel in our Discord — Slang Central. This space is an open invitation to all citizens of Planet Atmos who want to have some fun and show off their linguistic imagination. As with any culture, Atmosians have their own unique colloquialisms with which they communicate. The first known piece of Atmosian slang is the abbreviation “LGL” — an Atmosian variation of “GM” that stands for “Let’s Get Lifted.” In this new channel anyone in the community is invited to express their own word wizardry by inventing other slang terms or phrases that might be spoken amongst Atmosians. While this is not officially sanctioned Planet Atmos content, our narrative team may monitor this channel for ideas.

Emerald City Comic Con

Emerald City Comic Con (or E-Triple-C as we like to call it) kicked off yesterday, August 18th in Seattle, WA and will run through this Sunday, August 21st. Several members of the Planet Atmos team are in attendance during the convention this weekend including Tommy Lee Edwards, our Creative Director. Tommy Lee has an incredible background and resume in films and comics, adding Atmos Exordium 01, the first issue of our 9-part comic book series to the list. He’ll be on site to talk Atmos Exordium, Planet Atmos, and building a new world through storytelling. If you’re at the convention, be sure to visit us and meet TLE IRL.

Artist In Residence

We shared two more paintings from our resident Atmosi artist, Dee Matejko. Describing the sketch ‘Crucible’ Dee says, “Despite its reputation as a dreary, achromatic planet, the colors that shine on the landscapes of Atmos are simply breathtaking.”

As always, community members who are part of the ODH (Original Datacard Holder) channels were shown an additional piece of Dee’s work in our Discord. You can be an Original Datacard Holder by obtaining an MKIV Datacard and verifying it our Portal and Discord.

Marketing The Metaverse

In case you missed it, we also recently had an in depth conversation and AMA with Atmos Labs’ VP of Marketing, Richard NG. Richard spoke with Dariusz Jakubowski, Atmos Labs’ Head of Community, about marketing, comics, games, collectibles, grassroots fandom, and more. The recording has been added to our soundcloud, where we will be archiving many of our live chats and AMAs.

Community Highlights

While we typically feature individual community members for their notable activities here, this time we’d like to appreciate everyone who has taken extra steps to help protect our community from spammers and scammers. To those of you who have contacted us and shared information about and/or reported these bad actors to help keep our community safe — Thank you. We are all aware of the vast sea of dangers that exist both on and off the web and nothing highlights the benefits of being part of a community more than an open desire to protect it and everyone in it.

Going Far Together

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” — Ancient proverb.

It’s simply not possible to build an entire world alone and, even if it were, no one would ever want to. Building a world that’s meant to thrive and survive through the ages not only takes skill and time but also a strong, supportive community to build with. We intend to go far and we plan to do it together, with you. We have much to share and look forward to including the release of our first comic book, Atmos Exordium 01. Keep an eye out for that and more soon. Until next week…

Update: We have updated the discord links in this post.



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