Datacard Burn-to-Claim | MKIV Exo Genesis Collection

Planet Atmos
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2024

The time has come for MKIV Datacard holders to claim their long-awaited Exos.

Thank you to holders old and new for your support of Planet Atmos. We look forward to welcoming Exo holders into ExoGP alpha gameplay and deeper into our community. This is just the beginning!

See below for instructions on how to claim your Exo(s) by burning your Datacard(s):

Through our Dedicated Webpage (Recommended)

  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet containing your Datacards.
  3. Send up to 20 Datacards in a single transaction to the Incinerator.
    - For each Datacard sent, the Incinerator contract will burn the Datacard and send you a Genesis Exo.
  4. When the transaction confirms, go to Magic Eden or your preferred NFT manager and you’ll be able to see them in your collection.

Through Etherscan (Advanced)

  1. Go to the Datacard contract on Etherscan.
  2. Navigate to the Contract tab.

3. Navigate to the Write Contract tab.

4. Connect your wallet by clicking “Connect to Web3.”

5. Select “SafeTransferFrom.” DO NOT USE THE BURN METHOD HERE. Fill out the fields as follows:


To: 0x85f6535da9d64821a90cd172ae1dd589a42ee0f9, id: 0, amount <AMOUNT OF DATACARDS YOU WANT TO SEND>, data: 0x0

6. Submit the transaction by clicking “Write.”

7. When the transaction confirms, go to Magic Eden or your preferred NFT manager and you’ll be able to see them in your collection (they will be in ‘hidden’ if using OpenSea).

Key Links

Datacard contract:

Incinerator contract:

MKIV Exo Genesis Collection contract:

Gas Considerations

Gas estimation should work properly.

However, note that the more Datacards you send, the more gas you will need, as each Datacard will trigger an additional ERC721 Transfer.

It will be cheaper in aggregate to send as many Datacards as you can in a single transaction.

Redemption Time Frame

Datacard holders can burn-to-claim to get a MKIV Genesis Exo from Mon May 13 at 1 pm PT through Thu May 16 at 1 pm PT. Reminder: 1 Datacard = 1 Exo.

Additional Exo claim windows featuring upcoming Collections will be announced in the future. We recommend using your claim on the Genesis Collection.

Changes to the Genesis Collection
The supply of the Genesis Collection has been revised to 2700 units. This supply includes 2250 reserved for Datacard holders, 100 new mints, and 350 reserved for promotion in the Planet Atmos chest.

Originally, we planned to include 10 teams in the Genesis Collection. As a result of the supply update, we are including 5 teams. Each of those 5 teams will have a total of 540 Exos affiliated with them. Each team will have a single Apex suit and 3 Elite suits.

What’s Next

Stay tuned for MKIV Exo reveal timing later this week. Follow us on X (Twitter) and join Discord to stay connected to community updates.

*Edited to update with new incinerator contract address



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