Magic as Opposition

Planet Eaters Admin
Planet Eaters Game
4 min readOct 12, 2022


The Awakening of Dort 13

If you have been keeping up with this story so far, you know a little about our hero, Dort 13. One of the multitudes of Dort cloned and enslaved by the Corporation to carry out their never-ending mining operations in the name of a Forever Realm. The Dort themselves are powerful beings and have the numbers to oppose the Corporation if they were so inclined to organize and turn on their oppressors. Sadly, the ability to think about and formulate that plan was literally bred out of the Dort and perpetrated within every clone produced. The Dort were not originally clones; they were an ancient Clan that was eradicated by the Corporation in its early days. The Dort were a generous working Clan that lent aid to any and all Clans that needed their assistance. The Corporation could not have the Clans being served willingly and effectively by a force they themselves needed. The Corporation came for the Dort and left no survivors.

The Dort were not magical in their ancient days, perse. They had abilities and talents not possessed by other Clans but those were largely based on their physiology and ability to perform arduous tasks without breaking a sweat. Their tools may have appeared barbaric, but they were more than enough for the Dort to serve their fellow Clansmen well. The mighty pickaxe tore up planets and made wade for infrastructure and true technological advancements. The Clan was considered a weapon by the Corporation because of their efficiency and how highly they were revered. The Corporation needed this weapon all for themselves, but with a few modifications. They kept samples of the finest specimen of Dort they could find and formulated the ultimate configuration for their physiology and use. The modern Dort was quickly devised and cloned in perpetuity. The Forever Realm now has a Forever Employee.

Things get a little more interesting after Dort 13 reaches the Core. The act itself connects him to his ancient roots. He is one small piece of what was once a respected and powerful Clan. As he grows and continues to meet Clansmen that are not Dort or Murk, he is again connected to the Ancient Ways. The Frozen Giants of the Firn and the Metal Magi feel this connection, as all information was once shared freely amongst the Ancients. This brings magic back into the universe that the Corporation is rapidly consuming. There are many reasons the Omega needed magic expelled to begin with. Whispers of the remaining Mastodons aiding a lost, ancient champion weigh heavy on him. And for good reason.

Thinking about the Dort, you may want to believe their strength is magic. That is simply a natural blessing and has its limits, especially when facing off with the Omega. His power is legend; believed to be limitless. Yet, he has hidden his true face in the modern times to much speculation from the Outlying Clans. Dort 13 may not be limitless, but he is one hell of a conduit for magic. At this point in his magical career, 13 has only ever had experience with the artificial Ports the Corporation developed to move their slaves form star system to star system. This technology is not magic, but an imitation. It is violent and unpleasant. The Mastodons, in conjunction with 13’s awakening, are able to open a natural Port on the mined planet. The first in centuries. It crackles to life and calls to 13. He gently falls into it and finds himself placed on the ground on an alien planet. Not at all what he is has experienced before. Once, the Daemon were strong and Ported all over the universe. They shared the technology with the other Clans, but none could replicate their natural ability to do so. It was their gift, and they perfected this ability. It proves to be a very valuable tool for 13 as he continues his journey, constantly being reminded he hasn’t much time. The Corporation cannot track this magic. It is not artificial and requires no technology. Pretty good weapon to have on your side when you are one and they are many.

Jumping back and forth from place to place is all good and fun, but what if you need to hop into another timeline? Well, if you can manipulate it to your favor, I’d call that a weapon. Dort 13 is able to, with a little help. Ironically, a power formed and practiced mainly among the Beast, the Ancient Clan that birthed the Omega, the Outlyers rarely had use for such a skill. The Beast believed in passing on their abilities and knowledge in a physical sense, thus leading to the birth of the Omega. Again, this ability is hard to track by the Corporation. It is not a technology. They would not be able to guess if it was being employed right in front of their faces. Dort 13 is shown the rituals and he certainly uses them effectively to his advantage. He throws the Corporation for a loop, causing chaos behind their own walls. Way more effective then walking in and busting up the walls with a pickaxe.

Dort 13 is but a single Dort, but he has powerful friends. Friends that share with him ancient knowledge that they believe is his anyhow. Not only is he the Champion of the time, he comes from a long line of Champions. It is in his blood to have these abilities at his disposal. 13’s initial days of consciousness are pure chaos, and he experiences everything for the first time. Things like friendship and loss, pain, and fatigue. He also is chosen to experience the ways of his ancient ancestors, the Mastodon, and reminds the Corporation why they had to ban those behaviors and vanquish the Dort in the first place.


