What are Blockchain Games?

And What’s In It For You?

Planet Eaters Admin
Planet Eaters Game
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2021


■ Blockchain technology has taken the world by storm in the recent past, giving rise to a shift from the traditional way of doing things.
■ Over the last few years, blockchain and related technologies have changed our perception and use of currency, making it attractive to other industries.
■ Game developers have not been left behind and are now coming up with games built on blockchain platforms.

Crypto Gaming: Tomorrow's blockchain

Crypto Gaming is new but has gained a massive following because of the benefits it offers. Crypto games offer freedom and earnings that were not there in traditional gaming. Blockchain games are built on a decentralized network comprising multiple computers that record information securely.

Traditional games are centralized in nature, with the developers retaining ownership over everything. Assets won by gamers are confined to the game, and no one can change the version of the game other than the developer.

Blockchain games permit everyone to own a part of the game and earn real currency from in-app purchases.

Gaming assets in the traditional gaming system are contained in a centralized database, but with blockchain games, a player owns what they acquire while playing. Tokens in blockchain games are issued by the game or an existing token such as an $ETH or $BTC.

No single person has control over the outcome in blockchain games, but anyone can check on the code used in the games. The in-game virtual assets include used in Blockchain games include Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

Tokenomics in Blockchain Games

Players in crypto games earn in-game assets, which are exchanged for real money to interested people. In simple words, digital purchases rewarded to game players can be exchanged for real cash via a blockchain network.

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