11 Questions To Improve Your Self-Awareness

In the age of thought equalization, here are some questions for you not to be just another one in the herd.

4 min readNov 30, 2021


Photo by Abbat on Unsplash

Achieving full self-knowledge is a journey that takes decades in a person’s life.

Some even live and die without achieving it.

To do this, it takes Homeric doses of honesty and personal observation. Here’s an exercise you can do from time to time to become better self-aware.

Where do your main ideas come from?

Although we don’t remember, our imagination is always permeated by books, songs, movies, series, etc.

These small daily lessons inspire us to take action, imitate characters, and take a stand in life’s situations.

Periodically, the exercise of anamnesis is essential to know what has been inhabiting our subconscious.

What can you do to have quality time?

Faced with some unmissable occasion, we ended up organizing ourselves and booking a period for us to be fully present.

Presence is a virtue, being body and soul-focused is what we reserve for the most important situations in life. And we have a lot to learn when we are present in the moments.

What daily activities bother you?

We often have energy, focus, and strength. However, every day there are routine activities that drain — almost imperceptibly — our ability to act and make good decisions.

Making a list of everything we do every day, as well as understanding what bothers us, is the first step to eliminating those problems and getting better every day.

What kills your energy for the day?

Overdue bills, difficult people to deal with, unforeseen schedules, etc. We all have that, but not everyone can end our day.

Some things tend to frustrate us a lot more than others, and that varies with people’s personalities.

What are your non-negotiable values?

Morality is an essential factor in playing the game of life. After all, there is no point in having success if behind it there is great resentment.

In addition, you need to select the people who will be part of your social circle, as they should help you lift yourself, overcome limits. Being in an environment that violates your personal values ​​will only set you back.

How do you want to be remembered after death?

More than having a life plan, it is necessary to think about the narrative of our own life. In other words, what will we leave in other people’s hearts after we leave?

How much do you want to be earning in 12 months?

Everyone wants to make more money, that’s obvious. We are always thinking about how to have more security, make bolder plans, and have a better quality of life.

However, we don’t always stop to set an objective earnings goal. And, for that, it is necessary to create a realistic scenario of revenue generation in the medium term.

If you were an outsider, how would you see yourself?

Some personal characteristics only we can understand. However, there are other characteristics about us that we cannot easily notice.

Therefore, it is necessary to do a role-play exercise, imagining ourselves as if we were an external observer of ourselves. That way, we can honestly describe our behavior.

What do people ask you for the most for help?

There are subjects that you have more control over than other people, whether in your home or work environment.

Stop to think about what you’ve received the most requests for help from in the past 6–12 months. You will likely discover important skills that have been neglected so far.

What are your most recurrent sins?

Each one has its addictions and its most intimate issues. Often our little daily deviations take us away from our best version.

They are often so deep in our practical life that we even forget about them.

What would a perfect day be like for you?

If we could condense the best memories we have into a sequence of events into one day, what would it be like? How would it start and end?

This will reveal sensitive issues about your personality such as work, love, family, and prospects for success.

