Developing Routines For Maximum Brain Power

When it comes to working in the digital world, many people are under the misconception that it’s a free-for-all.

5 min readDec 15, 2021


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like your productivity is at an all-time low?

You feel tired, unfocused, and have no desire to do anything. This is because our brain needs boundaries in order to function efficiently.

Our brains are wired for a routine that helps us conserve energy so that we can use it on other things.

Despite this sounds hugely like a cliché, that’s the absolute truth: the key here is having a solid routine.

Learn more about how routines help maximize productivity.

Set Boundaries Between Work and Life

Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash

We all know that working non-stop is not healthy, but it’s hard to create boundaries when our work demands so much of our time.

It’s important to remember that we need to take care of ourselves in order to be productive. One way to do this is by setting boundaries between work and life.

For example, you can make a rule that after a certain hour you will stop working and focus on your personal life. This helps your brain relax and recharge so that you can come back fresh the next day!

Find Your Morning Routine

Photo by Jordan McQueen on Unsplash

One way to set boundaries between work and life is by creating a morning routine. Having a morning routine helps ensure that you start your day with productivity instead of stress.

Some things you can do to create a morning routine include lots of quick, small tasks you can easily do, like leaving the bed, meditating or praying, warming up/stretching. None of this should take more than 15 minutes each.

Another important reason why we need routines is that it helps our brain function more efficiently! The prefrontal cortex which is responsible for effortful decision making gets fatigued once its capacity has been reached (which happens very easily these days).

Having some structure-like routines, therefore, reduces the amount of mental fatigue that you experience throughout the day. This means that you have more energy left over so you can focus on what really matters!

Keep Same Timings For Meals and Snacks

Photo by Lewis Fagg on Unsplash

One way to create structure in your day is by keeping the same timings for meals and snacks.

This helps your body get used to a certain routine and makes it easier for you to stick to healthy eating habits.

Reminding: quick meals and snacks are for not letting your body lack nutrients and keep your metabolism running at its finest. So, make sure that you’re not snacking too often, nor eating bad food — as this can lead to weight gain.

Have Execution and Break Routines

Photo by Mindspace Studio on Unsplash

It’s also important to take breaks throughout the day! When we don’t take breaks, our brain gets overwhelmed which leads to fatigue and decreased productivity.

Taking short breaks (around five minutes) every 25 minutes will help refresh your mind so that you can continue working productively.

Call or Hang Out With Your Friends and Family

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Nonetheless, keeping in touch with your friends and family lets you fulfill your social needs. Taking care and speaking with really close people is something that sadly is diminishing nowadays.

We all know that we’re more productive when we feel loved. Call or hang out with your loved ones for at least an hour a day because this will help you recharge and be happy so that working becomes easier.

Put Work Things Away When You’re Done

Photo by Eden Constantino on Unsplash

One thing that will help you have more productivity is putting all your work things away when you’re done.

This helps create boundaries between work and life so that you can recharge without being bombarded with stressful thoughts about the office!

It’s also helpful to have a designated spot for work things so that you can easily find them when you need them.

Final Thoughts

Creating a routine is not easy, but it’s definitely worth it. It’s the primary door to something way bigger: the achievement of your dreams.

When we have a structure in our lives, it helps us spare quality time and energy so that we can use it on everything we need.

Having routines also helps our brain function more efficiently and reduces the amount of mental fatigue that we experience throughout the day.

If you’re struggling to create a routine, start with small changes and work your way up. The most important thing is to be patient and consistent!

