How Routines Build Great Habits and Help People Succeed

A cliché, but totally real: nothing beats routine.

6 min readDec 23, 2021


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You’ve heard it before, “Success is 10% luck and 90% skill.”

That may be true but I would also argue that having a clear routine plays a large role in success. If you are successful, chances are some routine has helped you get there.

Routines can help people improve their habits and create successful lifestyles. They have the power to keep our brains focused on goal-directed tasks while still being flexible enough for spontaneity when needed.

In this article, we will explore how routine builds great habits and helps people succeed. Check it out below.

The Brain and Routine Development

Photo by Jesse Martini on Unsplash

The first thing we need to cover when it comes to routine and success is the brain.

The human brain is capable of an immense amount of growth and development, especially in our early years. In fact, up until around the age of 25, our brains are still growing and making connections.

This means that during our formative years, the routine can play a big role in developing healthy habits. Routines provide stability for our young minds while also allowing them to explore new things.

As we get older, routine becomes even more important as it helps us focus on specific goals.

For example, if you want to become a successful writer, you might establish a writing routine where you wake up early each day to write for two hours.

This routine provides stability and helps you focus on your goal while also leaving time for other activities.

Routine is so important to brain development that scientists have created “the routine effect” which is a phenomenon where people who routinely do something develop better skills at it.

For example, if you play the guitar every day for 30 minutes, you will eventually get better at playing the guitar.

This is because your brain has developed connections between the task of playing guitar and the skill of playing guitar. The more often you do it, the stronger these connections become.

The Importance Of The Morning For a Productive Day

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When it comes to routine and success, the morning is one of the most important times of the day.

This is because the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you wake up early and spend your time wisely, you are more likely to have a productive day.

On the other hand, if you sleep in and waste your mornings away, you are setting yourself up for a less productive day.

One way to make sure your mornings are productive is by establishing a routine.

Of course, you don’t have to wake up at 5 AM.

What you need is to find a schedule that lets you spare time for important rituals, like eating breakfast, working on personal development, and getting prepared for the workday. This will make you start your days with a sense of purpose and direction.

Improvements From Nutrition and Workout

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Routine can also be used to achieve optimal health. This includes working out, eating healthy foods, and staying on top of your routine medical appointments.

By making these things part of our routine we ensure that they stay high priorities in our life because it is now something we do every day without thinking about it.

One study showed that people who make sure their daily routines are as close as possible to how they want them to end up being more successful.

Let’s say you have decided you want to work out three times per week for thirty minutes each day — but sometimes life just gets too busy and you don’t get around to working out.

This routine has now failed you and it’s time to rethink the routine itself.

It may be helpful to work your way up with a less demanding routine at first such as working out once per week for thirty minutes, then twice per week for fifteen each day, and so on until three times is achievable.

The most important thing here is that we find what works best for us personally!

Journaling For Increased Habit Development

Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

One of the most effective ways to create successful routines in our lives is through journaling about them.

I strongly believe that there are two types of people:

  • those who write down their goals,
  • and those who never achieve them.

In recent years scientists have discovered why this is true — writing things down increases the likelihood that you will achieve them.

One of the best ways to increase routine development is by writing out your routine. It’s pretty simple — write down what time you want to wake up each morning, then every single day before bed write down any tasks or events for the next day. This gives your brain a clear direction and purpose which makes it more likely for success!

By now I hope the importance of routine has become quite evident. Routines help keep us organized so we can focus on our goals instead of getting overwhelmed with small tasks throughout the day.

They also allow us to improve ourselves in various areas such as work productivity, health, and mental clarity through journaling about routines each night before bedtime.

Combining routine with a clear set of goals, healthy habits, and working out routines, journaling for routine development will help you achieve your dreams!

In conclusion, routine and success are closely intertwined.

They help us stay focused on our goals while developing healthy habits along the way.

What’s more, a routine can also be used for successful workout regimens as well as increased productivity in our professional lives.

Finally, journaling about our routines each night before bedtime is an effective way to increase the likelihood of achieving our dreams!

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