How to Know if You’re on the Right Track

The biggest mistake in planning life is knowing where you want to go, but having no idea what should happen until then.

6 min readJan 12, 2022


Photo by paul jespers on Unsplash

What does it mean to be on the right track? It can be difficult to tell if you’re doing what is best for personal goals or career goals.

Sometimes, we make mistakes and don’t realize they are happening until much later.

But there are some signs that show you might be on the right track. Check Them Below.

You Feel Excited Waking Up and Starting the Day

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One of the biggest indicators that you are on the right track is if you feel excited about your day.

You should look forward to waking up and getting started on whatever it is that you have planned for the day.

This excitement might be because you’re working towards personal goals or career goals, but either way, it’s a good sign!

When we set personal goals, they tend to be something we really want to achieve. They inspire us and make us eager to get moving each morning.

Contrastingly, when we’re on the wrong track with our personal goals, we often dread waking up in the morning and starting another day of failing.

You Gradually Face Bolder Challenges

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As you progress on the right track for personal goals, you will gradually face bolder challenges.

This doesn’t mean that everything is going to be easy from now on — in fact, it’s likely going to be quite the opposite. But as you overcome these bigger and tougher obstacles, you’ll know that you’re doing something right.

When we’re not on the right track with personal goals, we often shy away from challenges altogether. We want to avoid anything that could potentially set us back or cause us difficulty.

So if you find yourself jumping at every opportunity to take on a new challenge, then this is definitely a sign that you are headed in the right direction!

You Ofter Experience Great Learnings

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Another indication that you’re on the right track is if you experience great learning often. This could be in terms of personal growth or professional development, but either way, it’s a good thing!

If you’re not on the right track with personal goals, then you might find yourself struggling to learn new things.

You may feel like you’re hitting a plateau and are unable to move forward. But if you’re constantly growing and expanding your knowledge base, then this shows that you’re doing something right!

You Get Excited About the Future and Don’t Care About Past Mistakes

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

When you’re on the right track for personal goals, you often get excited about the future. You don’t dwell on past mistakes and instead focus all of your energy on what’s ahead.

This is in contrast to when we’re not on the right track with personal goals. We often regret our past decisions and feel like we can’t move forward because of them.

We let our past failures dictate our present and future actions, which ultimately hold us back from achieving our personal goals.

If you find yourself feeling optimistic about the future and focusing on what’s to come, then this is definitely a sign that you are doing well!

But What if You Don’t See the Signs?

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If you’re not sure if you are on the right track with personal goals or career goals, then don’t worry. It’s perfectly normal to be unsure at times!

Sometimes we make mistakes and aren’t even aware of it until much later when they become more apparent.

The best thing that you can do is take a step back and evaluate where you are in your journey. Are you moving forward or backward? What progress have you made so far?

If you’re feeling stuck and can’t seem to make any headway, then it might be time to seek out some help. There are many resources available to us, such as books, articles, personal coaches, or mentors.

For personal goals, you could also consider joining a personal development group or reading personal growth books!

However, the key is to find what works best for you in terms of achieving your personal goals and sticking with them!

Do a Reassessment Period

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Lastly, it’s a good idea to do a reassessment periodically. This will help you track your progress and ensure that you’re still on the right track.

If you find that you’ve been making great strides but then hit a roadblock, don’t worry! It’s totally normal to have setbacks occasionally. The important thing is to learn from these setbacks and move forward.

And if you’re just starting out, then it’s important not to get discouraged! It takes time for personal goals to take off — you can’t expect immediate results. But the more effort that you put in now, the sooner they will come.

Benchmark Similar Cases

Photo by Phil Shaw on Unsplash

When you have personal goals, it’s important to benchmark similar cases. This will give you an idea of what is possible and how much progress you need to make in order to achieve your personal goal.

For example, if your personal goal is to run a marathon, then you would compare yourself to other marathon runners. You would look at their times, how they train, and what they eat.

This will give you a good idea of what you need to do in order to achieve your personal goal. And it’s important to remember that everyone is different!

Just because someone else has achieved a certain personal goal doesn’t mean that you can too. You need to find what works best for you and go with that.

These are just some signs that can help you determine if you’re on the right track with personal goals or career goals.

If you’re not sure, don’t worry!

There’s no shame in seeking out help from others to figure it out. Talk to your friends, family, or a career counselor to get some more guidance.

And most importantly, don’t give up on your dreams — they are what will ultimately keep you going when things get tough!

