How to Stick to a Schedule: Mindset, Estimation, and Delivery

Getting things done at the proposed time requires discipline, but the method is way more important.

4 min readDec 13, 2021


Photo by Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

Being on track with your schedule means more than just pleasing customers, it means being up to date with the achievement of your dreams.

It is time for you to show up and be accountable for what you say when you said it.

With the right mindset, estimation and delivery of time-sensitive deliveries can be achieved; but how do we begin?

Have The Right Mindset

Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

One of the most important factors in time management is having absolute clarity about why you are doing what you’re doing.

Whether it’s writing a blog post, engaging on social media, or completing any other task that needs to be done, motivation is at the heart of time management.

Setting clear goals for yourself is a key part of this. As an example, if your goal is to write 1000 words on time management, then having that visible target in front of you will help keep you focused and motivated.

Make sure your motivation is something that can be seen and felt every time you work on the task, not just at the beginning.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post, feeling proud of what you’ve written as soon as it’s done will help keep you going even when you don’t feel like it at the moment.

Manage Your Time Properly

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Now that you know what your goals are and why you want to achieve them, it’s time to set some boundaries for yourself.

For that, it is necessary to block out the necessary time for each task. And, at this moment, you must be very honest.

Avoid being optimistic — thinking that if you put more effort than normal you’ll make an outstandingly quick delivery.

On the other hand, avoid being pessimistic — when overestimating necessary times can undercover some laziness.

Do One Task at a Time

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

It’s human nature to want to multitask, especially when time is limited.

However, prioritizing one task at a time and focusing on doing it well before moving on to the next will help you get things done more efficiently in less time.

This also eliminates distractions, which can be a major time suck.

Set aside time each day specifically for the task at hand, whether it’s an hour or two, half a day, or even a full day. This helps to avoid the temptation to work on a task for just five minutes here and there.

Adjust Your Plan As Needed

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As time passes, circumstances may change.

If you’ve done everything you can to plan and stick to your schedule but something comes up that prevents it — whether it’s an unanticipated problem or even just a day where life happens — adjust accordingly without beating yourself up about it.

This is important because sometimes things come up that are outside of our control. The goal is to be as flexible as possible while still maintaining a sense of discipline.

Deliver On Time, Every Time

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Finally, the most important part of time management is delivering on time, every time. This may require some adjustments along the way, but it’s crucial to maintain this level of consistency.

If something does come up and you’re unable to deliver on time, let your client or boss know as soon as possible. They’ll appreciate the honesty and understanding.

In short, time management is all about having a clear goal in mind, setting boundaries for yourself, focusing on one task at a time, and being flexible enough to adjust as needed.

