How to Unlock Factors That Are Distancing You from Prosperity in 2022

Prosperity is not a finish line, financial level or anything like that. It is a journey of self-improvement based on four main factors.

3 min readDec 17, 2021


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The motivation industry has exploded in recent years.

We are constantly bombarded with messages about how to be motivated, but these messages often fail to address the bigger issue:

What is necessary for prosperity?

This blog post will explore the four factors that we need to unlock prosperity in this life.


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As the philosopher Ortega y Gasset wrote in the book Meditations on Quixote:

“I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.”

Protagonism is the belief that you are in control of your life and your destiny. You are not a victim, but rather a protagonist in your own story.

This requires investment in self-knowledge and knowledge of the environment around you. It is never enough to know what you want; you also need to understand what is possible and how to get there.


Photo by Yuhan Du on Unsplash

You only get what your mind believes you deserve. Do your best and your belief in worthiness will expand.

Deserving is another important factor that unlocks motivation to succeed, as it helps us become self-sufficient and resilient.

If we believe we don’t have the right to be successful, then our motivation wanes as a result of this negative thinking pattern.

To really unlock prosperity for yourself, try doing activities that help build self-esteem such as volunteering or learning new things about topics you are passionate about.


Photo by Elena Taranenko on Unsplash

If you have big goals, do the Visualize them exercise: Imagine how it would be — in great detail.

This third unlocking tool may seem strange but’s science behind why visualization work can help us achieve goals.

If we can see ourselves in a positive light, motivation follows. Keep your eyes on the prize and visualize yourself achieving it- you may be surprised by what happens next!


Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

Run the extra mile: Sprints are short, intense periods of productivity that push our limits beyond what we thought possible to accomplish.

It’s not easy but if you want important results then work smarter rather than harder for a change!

Let us know in the comments how these factors have impacted your life or career in 2022. We’d love to hear from you!

