“I don’t have time:” Why We Say “No” to Our Goals

SPOILER: We set goals but don’t take any action towards them because we’re afraid of failure.

5 min readDec 17, 2021


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve been seeing people post on social media about their personal goals, but then they don’t follow up with any action — or worse, they give up before even starting!

This is not an uncommon thing nowadays, either: “I’m too busy.” “I don’t have time.”

Let me tell you something: if you are reading this article right now, there is always time for anything you want in your life.

Always enough time for everything you want out of it.

The Problem of The Self-Distractions

Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash

It’s very, very simple. The time you spend on Instagram (or whatever social media platform) could be time invested in your personal goals. That time spent scrolling and not taking any action is time wasted.

At the end of a year, those daily minutes or hours become a skill unless you fail to develop.

It’s time to take a hard look at your life. It’s time to see the time we spend and how we’re using it.

It’s time to decide what matters and start taking action on that instead of just talking about it.

What Is Acidia and Why Is It Behind It?

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Acidia is a Latin word that literally means “sourness.”

In terms of goal setting, acidia can be defined as the fear of not succeeding.

This fear can manifest itself in different ways: procrastination, laziness, lack of focus, and so on.

It’s all based on the idea of not wanting to do something because we’re afraid it won’t be good enough.

We set goals but don’t take any action towards them because we’re afraid of failure. Afraid that what we want isn’t possible or that we’re not good enough. And this stops us from ever trying in the first place!

This fear is what keeps us from reaching our and achieving our dreams.

Why Do We Leave Important Things “For Later”

Photo by Leslie Soto on Unsplash

In most cases, “I don’t have time” is simply an escape from reality. In other words: we say no when our subconscious wants a yes.

We delay important tasks and goals because in the back of our minds they make us feel uncomfortable. But these are usually things we want more than anything else out of life!

This can be due to self-doubt or fear of failure; but regardless of what’s behind it, this kind of approach leads nowhere good — for you or anyone else involved either!

You need to stop using phrases like “I’m too busy,” which only holds you back from your potential at best (or worst). It never gets you closer to where you want to be.

This time we’re spending on social media could instead be used for our personal goals and dreams, which would drastically improve the quality of our life!

So much time wasted… It’s time to decide what matters and start taking action towards that instead of just talking about it.

How many hours a day do you spend scrolling? How long does it take to set one goal in motion — even if this is something as simple as deciding “I’m going to write an article tonight.”?

That short amount of time has more value than anything else: not only will writing this article give us valuable information (or knowledge) but also force us into making progress with our work situation.

Why Measuring Cellphone and Social Media Time Spent is Crucial Today

Photo by Gilles Lambert on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, you probably spend more time on your phone than you’d like to admit. According to recent research, the average person spends about five hours a day on their phone! That’s a lot of time…

The problem is that we don’t track how much time we spend on our devices — especially when it comes to social media apps. We just kind of “wing it” and hope that things won’t get too out of hand. But they always do if left unchecked!

That’s why it’s crucial for us today to measure the time we spend on our devices — especially when it comes to social media. It’s time to take a hard look at ourselves and see where we can make some changes.

Measuring Cellphone Usage

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

If you’re on an iPhone, go to Settings > Screen Time.

If you’re on an Android, go to Settings > Digital Wellbeing & parental controls > Manage your data > Daily device usage.

If you spent that time on your goals, do you think that you’d have enough time? The answer is probably yes — if you’re willing to make some adjustments.

It’s time for us to be more conscious about how we spend our time and start using it more productively.

Let’s focus on what matters and take action towards those things! Only then can we achieve true happiness and success.

