Say-No Method: How to Say Goodbye to That Overwhelming Life

Saying yes to what is not vital to you is the same as saying no to the achievement of your goals.

6 min readDec 28, 2021


You have a life, and it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. If you are always saying yes to things because you feel like if you don’t then people will be disappointed or think less of you, then this article is for you.

In this post, we will talk about how to say no in the right way so that those who want from us can still get what they need without being too inconvenienced by our refusal.

We’ll also talk about how to measure results and see if it’s worth all the time and effort that goes into refusing tasks.

Why We Say Yes To The Wrong Things

We say yes to many things we don’t actually want or need to do.

In this blog, we have already explored what saying no to our personal goals mean and, in the end, that is the same of saying yes to everything else.

We frequently say yes to things other people ask for us, and whenever we face it, we are already overwhelmed with lots of commitments that keep us from focusing on what’s important.

The main reason why we tend to overcommit is that saying no has a lot of social implications.

People might think less of you if you refuse them, or they may get angry or disappointed with you.

So instead of dealing with any potential fallout, we often just agree to whatever request comes our way.

Additionally, most people aren’t very good at estimating how long something will take them, so they’ll overestimate the amount of time they have and then try to fit in your request on top of everything else.

But the thing is, you can’t please everyone. You have to focus on what’s important to you and say no to the things that don’t fall in line with those priorities.

The Power of Saying No

When it comes down to it, saying no is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself.

It gives you time and space to focus on what’s important, and it sends a clear message that you’re not going to let other people dictate how you live your life.

Saying no also has some pretty impressive benefits when it comes to productivity.

When we’re constantly trying to please others, our productivity goes out the window because we’re not focusing on what we should be doing.

But when you start saying no, that’s when you start to see real results in your work. You’re able to focus on what’s important and get more done in a shorter amount of time.

How To Say No In The Right Way

Now that we know the benefits of saying no, let’s talk about how to say it in a way that will make people want to listen.

The first thing you need to do is assess the situation and figure out if you can refuse the request.

There are some cases where it’s not possible or appropriate to say no, such as when someone is asking for help during a natural disaster or crisis.

If it’s something like that, there’s nothing you can do other than try to help in any way that you can.

But when it comes down to requests for your time or work, take a look at the person asking and see if they’re someone who matters enough for you to say no.

If not, then chances are there isn’t much fallout from saying no either. And even when people matter enough that we feel obligated to respect them, remember that their needs aren’t more important than yours.

No one has the right to tell us how we should live our lives so don’t let fear of disappointing others control what you do with your life.

Instead of letting it go through without an answer though (which leaves them feeling uncertain about whether or not they should ask again), give them a firm answer right away.

How Do I Know if I Should Say Yes or No

You should only say no when it’s appropriate, and you can determine that based on two things.

First of all, is this request something I want to do?

If the answer isn’t a resounding yes, then there’s no point in saying yes because you won’t be happy about doing whatever it is once you get down to it.

And if we’re not going to feel correct about what we’re doing, why even bother

So before automatically agreeing just because someone asks first or expects us to give an immediate response, think about whether or not what they are asking aligns with your priorities.

Secondly, does this request fit into my schedule?

This one requires some serious self-awareness so take a look at your calendar and see if there’s already something on there that you’ve said yes to that you’re not going to be able to back out of.

If the answer is yes, then it’s time to start saying no because you can’t add anything else to your plate.

When we’re trying to do too many things at once, we end up becoming overwhelmed and our productivity takes a hit as a result.

How To Apply This Technique in Life

Now that we know how to say no in the right way, let’s talk about how to use this technique in our lives.

The best way to get started is by identifying what your priorities are and writing them down somewhere where you can see them every day.

That way, when someone asks you to do something that doesn’t line up with your priorities you’ll be able to say no in a way that feels natural.

So go ahead and take out some paper or pull up a document on your computer and write down the five most important things in life for you right now.

It can be anything from spending more time with family and friends, to quitting smoking if it’s something like that. Then use this list as a filter whenever someone comes asking for favors.

There’s nothing else involved besides making sure everything we end up doing lines up with our priorities before saying yes.

If what they’re asking isn’t going to help us achieve those goals then there is absolutely no point in agreeing just because it might be easier to say yes than no.

Saying No Makes You More Focused and Productive

Once you’ve had some practice with saying no, it’ll start becoming natural for you which will make things a lot less stressful.

The reason why so many people feel overwhelmed is that they try to do everything at once.

In reality, it’s more about getting good at choosing what matters most to us instead of trying out every single new idea that comes along on top of the ones we already have on our plate.

So take control over your life by making sure each choice lines up with who you are as an individual instead of just adding onto your list of obligations whenever something new pops up.

And if all else fails, there aren’t words to describe how liberating it feels to simply say no.

Saying goodbye to that overwhelming life doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, with the right strategies in place, it can be quite simple.

The first step is understanding why we say yes when we really shouldn’t, and then learning how to use the power of no in a way that benefits us both mentally and physically.

From there, it’s all about taking things one step at a time and gradually making small changes until saying no becomes second nature.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, try out these tips and see which ones work best for you.

And most importantly, remember that only you can decide what’s important in your life so don’t settle for doing everything just because it’s easier.

Focus on what matters and say goodbye to that overwhelming life. It can be done!

If you liked this post, I strongly recommend taking a look at the productivity method I developed to focus exactly on what matters, turning bold goals into something super achievable. Check it out below.

