Why You Should Keep Your Life Private for Greater Success

Four reasons why some discretion is vital for attaining bold goals in life.

4 min readJan 18, 2022


Photo by Chris Yang on Unsplash

You may have heard the saying that goes “success breeds envy.”

Well, it’s true.

When you start to reach new heights and accomplish great things, some people will start to repulse themselves from you.

They may act as if they are your friend, but in reality, they just want to see what makes you tick.

It’s important to keep your life private so that you can focus on your goals without any distractions.

In this blog post, we will discuss five reasons why it is important to keep your privacy for greater success!

If You’re Looking for Advice, Pay for It

Photo by Medienstürmer on Unsplash

When it comes to self-development and goal attainment, no one knows everything.

This means that if you want professional or expert advice, then you need to be willing to pay for it.

A lot of people offer their advice for free, but this doesn’t mean that you should take it. Some of the worst advice comes from people who are giving it away for free!

If you want to achieve great things in life, then surround yourself with people who have achieved great things.

Sure, you can learn a lot from reading books and articles, but there is nothing quite like learning from someone who has been where you want to go.

When it comes to getting professional or expert advice, paying for it is always the best option. You will be able to get high-quality information and avoid any possible scams.

You Will Be Safe Against Envious People

Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash

When you share your life goals and plans with the world, you are opening yourself up to possible attacks from envious people.

These are the type of people who will try to find any reason to bring you down. They may even start spreading rumors about you in an attempt to ruin your reputation.

And, well, being out of the sight of this kind of people is essential so that you can focus on your goals without any distractions.

Some People May Act Like Friends, but They’re Not

Photo by DDP on Unsplash

To achieve outstanding results in life, it is important to have true friends by your side.

Unfortunately, not everyone who claims to be a friend is worth having around.

This research shows that people at work qualify their colleagues mostly as non-friend persons, being 22% classified as strangers, 41% mere coworkers and 2% enemies.

Without a deeper relationship, how are you going to know how to separate them? If you can’t, then why should you reveal your innermost intentions?

There are a lot of people who will try to take advantage of you and use you for their benefit.

It’s important to be able to distinguish between fake friends and real friends. Otherwise, you will end up getting hurt in the end.

People Won’t Notice You’ve Failed if They Don’t Know You’re Trying

Photo by Bethany Legg on Unsplash

We all know that one person who is always talking about their latest business venture or life goal.

This person is always trying to get everyone’s attention, and they often share their plans with the world regardless of whether or not they are ready.

Unfortunately, this type of behavior often leads to failure.

In fact, this article shows how being open wide about your personal goals make them less achievable.

So, keep in mind: it’s okay to keep some things to yourself!

You don’t need to share everything with the world to achieve success. Doing so may work against you!

Do your job silently and consistently — and watch the results coming.

