10 years at Plank | Jennifer Lamb celebrates her anniversary in style

Steve Bissonnette
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016

Our creative director, Jennifer Lamb, recently celebrated a whopping 10 years at Plank. In fact, she’s been with Plank for a total of 12 years, but that’s just where the story begins…

Jenn kicked off her career as an integrator with Plank in the relatively new field of ‘the internets’ back in 2000. With a background in Fine Arts, she took to integration like a moth to a flame and was soon winning awards with her innovative work. But the internet boom soon went bust only two short years later and we sadly had to let her go. And she went — far, far away — all the way to Southeast Asia and Taiwan where she discovered her love of teaching, eternal summers, and…scooters!

Upon her return to Canada, she picked up right where she left off with Plank as a front-end developer, quickly getting up to speed with that whole 2.0 thing. After 8 years of honing these skills, she was ready to make a move to design. As a fine arts graduate, she’s always had an excellent eye which she now gets to put to work providing solid design direction for all of our projects.

We’re extremely happy with her evolution here and, as one of the central pillars at Plank, we wanted to show her our appreciation with something really, really special. When she first returned to Montreal, we teased her for years that she should get a scooter and keep the ride alive, but it never quite worked out… until now.

We asked her how she felt about it. This was her reply…

Originally published at www.plankdesign.com in Team



Steve Bissonnette
Writer for

Managing Partner @ Plank in Montréal (http://t.co/qYycQzsaeU) and Almuni Organizer for CreativeMornings/MTL (@Montreal_CM)