Welcome to Plank’s 20th Anniversary

Warren Wilansky
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2018


Plank will mark 20 years in business at the end of 2018. We’re starting the celebrations now.

There came a time a few years ago, when I realized I had a bad habit of waxing nostalgic about Plank’s past. While I remain proud of all of our accomplishments over the years, what’s more important is applying what we’ve learned to the present and future of the company.

Living in the present

I’m lucky to have Steve and Jenn here, who have been with Plank since almost the beginning. Many of our clients have been with us for the better part of a decade. But the majority of the current team have been here three years or less. What matters the most to our work is what has happened in the last 6 months, and how we remain flexible and adaptive as a team.

My first reaction, then, was not to draw too much attention to our 20th anniversary. I want to make 2018 the best year possible for my team, rather than fixate on 2008 or 1998. On the other hand, making it to 20 years in the fast-shifting world of the internet and digital technology is a milestone that deserves to be celebrated. It is a unique opportunity to learn from our history without getting consumed by it. As a team, we can learn from everything we’ve been through, without romanticizing past times.

Partying like it’s 1998

I put the suggestion of a 20 year reunion party out to Plank alumni on social media late last year, and the response was so positive, I realized I couldn’t let the year go by unmarked.

So, over the next 12 months, I’m going to be reaching back into the archives and sharing a bit of the history of this little digital design agency. From our founding story to our current team and our future plans, I promise there will be some valuable lessons as well as a good bit of fun and silly stuff too.

Come along for the ride

If you have worked at Plank or with Plank, or are just curious about how we got here, then I welcome you to check in here every few weeks. If you want us to remind you when we post something new, please sign up to our quarterly newsletter at the bottom of the page. We would love to get the opportunity to chat with you this year, and for the years to come.

Originally posted on Plankdesign.com



Warren Wilansky
Editor for

Founder of Plank, a digital agency based in Montréal! Do’er of internet things since the 1990's