Fundamentally Existential

Daniel Sanderson
Published in
8 min readFeb 11, 2021

Fundamentally Existential

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.

- John Keats (1795–1821)

A Couple of Swingers — A planksip Möbius

A Couple of Swingers

Fundamentally Existential

Inspired by John Keats (1795–1821)’s quote, “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.”. The titled responsion is…

Nothing ever gets real until it’s experienced — even the proverb “It never rains until it pours” is no better than a saying to you until your life has shown it. Many living under the United States’ confines of the nation have only experienced a proverbial ‘freedom’, lacking corporeal examples thereof. To be in a position to experience freedom and be able to live without the constant fear of financial collapse or economic collapse is something many have yet to achieve.

In some areas in the United States there are those who have chosen to live in the shadows, for example the deep south which is not well-known for the best economic conditions. However, what they are experiencing under their belt as opposed to what others are is the freedom from financial instability.

When they were in the country, they had their choice of residing on the left or the right side of the road. The left was the more dangerous side as the people living on the right side had greater safety as compared to the people living on the left. However, today the reverse applies.

Freedom means more than just ‘the right to live’. Freedom means being able to live in your own home, without having to worry about the cost of living. It also means the ability to move around in your own country without having to worry about moving into a neighborhood where you don’t fit in. Freedom means being able to experience your own life, without the fear of having to pay for your own transportation.

Many in the US are experiencing the freedom of having the ability to create money from their own efforts. This freedom does not exist in other countries around the world. The ability to create money is not a right, it’s an opportunity that should be considered for those willing to put forth an effort.

The great America, we are leading the world into is a society that is free, strong and prosperous in so many ways. But there is still much to do.

As long as we live in a country where our freedoms are constantly threatened by foreign nations, or political powers which are bent on imposing their values upon us; we will never be able to enjoy these freedoms. until it happens. And then what we must all do is to live in this country, not to worry and wait for another day.

We must be the change we want to see in the world. By choosing to take the time to learn more about the freedoms that are within our reach, we will be able to create the change we have always wanted.

On Artistic Self Isolation

Inspired by Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)’s quote, “I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”. The titled responsion is…

There are many things that we love about people but one of the things that we often miss when we love someone is that we don’t know the full impact that we have made on that person. Sometimes, we don’t realize the impact that we have had until we really have to say goodbye. That’s where the true art of loving comes in because it’s not about what you can give or how much you have but more importantly what you are able to give someone.

We all have moments in our lives where we find a beautiful moment of connection and just let everything go and feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people. We get lost inside of the moment and let ourselves be drawn into the moment and just let everything flow with it. Sometimes, we even fall asleep in love with this person, but then we wake up again and realize that we should have been enjoying ourselves more. We are not only enjoying ourselves but also making our relationships with each other as beautiful as we possibly can.

What happens after we stop enjoying what we are doing is that the feeling of artistic love for that person fades away. As we become accustomed to the routine of our daily life, the artistic side of the relationship will be overshadowed by what is going on within our hearts. It is at this point that we realize that our artful relationship has been taken over by what is happening within our hearts. If we let this happen, we won’t be able to fully enjoy our artistic side. In this case, the artistic side of love is the side of loving and sharing. If we want to see what the true artistic side of love looks like, we need to make sure that we are not only giving love but sharing love.

Short-Term Rental

Inspired by Adolf Hitler (1889–1945)’s quote, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”. The titled responsion is

I didn’t think youth were for sale? Claiming ownership over a future generation is a marker of a megalomaniac. The upside is the churn of power. I would like to see more journalists participating in the planksip Journalist program. He alone, who owns the youth, gains the eternal future. His name is Jesus Christ who is God’s Son; and he is the one who bring glory to God. He is the only one who will be glorified and who will be the perfect and eternal sacrifice.

The next verse states that our Father in heaven is full of His glory and that He knows our very own lives. He will see all of us in our future lives and will receive us when we have reached the proper stage and age. He has promised us His presence, and this will come through Jesus Christ. He is our Redeemer from sin and evil. He is also our teacher and our leader, and He will guide us into a life of holiness and truth.

Lastly, the third verse of “Hymn to Youth” describes the role of Christ in helping each and every youth find hope for salvation and peace. He will teach, heal and sanctify all of the youth, and the youth will be free to walk in His ways. He will lead them into the light of God’s truth, and he will lead them through the valley of the shadow of death. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is a rock and a perfect place where He will lead you to the knowledge of the truth and life eternal. He is the one whom we worship and serve, and whom we give our life. We are called to follow Him because He is the only One who has the wisdom and knowledge to guide us in His right path.

It Is What It Is!

Inspired by Paulo Coelho (1947-present)’s quote, “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”. The titled responsion is

Love unreservedly and with appreciation are the way to progress. This is the most essential and basic exercise from the Bible. The Bible instructs us to adore with appreciation and to do as such regardless of what others may think or state about us.

Take the straightforward case of a youngster, as told in the Old Testament. At the point when the individuals of Israel were at war, they needed to comply with their pioneers. They couldn’t won’t. The pioneers couldn’t have cared less what the individuals thought or felt. They recognized what was correct.

Individuals who ignored God, however, were rebuffed harshly. This is one approach to comprehend why we should cherish unreservedly and with appreciation. At the point when you love openly and with appreciation, you will never permit anybody to control your life choices.

Free and thankful individuals are not hesitant to give and get love and appreciation. This permits them to be solid and autonomous. This gives them the certainty they have to face and manage the troublesome circumstances that definitely emerge in their lives. From various perspectives, this permits them to live in opportunity, since they don’t need to be limited by others.

The most significant exercise is the exercise of appreciation. Numerous individuals are continually looking for things to plus or minus away from others. They do this since they accept they merit it. This disposition never really cause them to feel thankful.

Rather than pondering what others are or state about you, consider what you would do if God guided you. This invigorates you the and certainty to follow up on what God needs. It likewise gives you how God’s ways are in every case better than our own. This instructs us to confide in God and to put stock in Him.

Free and appreciative individuals are happy to make a move when they are approached to do as such. At the point when others don’t ask them, they will make a move. It is as straightforward as that. Actually, the Bible instructs us to get things done for others when we need to do them.

Free and thankful individuals never consider what others think or state. They have confidence in the Lord’s ways. They comprehend that there is no motivation behind why they ought not carry on with free and thankful lives.

Free and appreciative individuals don’t trust that God will guide them. They are the ones who approach God for His assistance and insight. They don’t trust that others will disclose to them they ought to accomplish something. They realize it is their obligation and an aspect of their caring benevolence. They are likewise sure that God can give the direction they have to settle on steady choices.

They are not terrified of being scrutinized for their convictions or activities, since God won’t condemn us except if we request His assistance. At the point when we have confidence, we are positive about what we accept, and our activities follow. At the point when we do things since somebody says we should, we are certain we will achieve our objectives.

We can decide to adore unreservedly and with appreciation. At the point when we do this, we have more vitality and we are more set up to confront all the difficulties we face. At the point when we are more certain, we won’t be as worried by life.

In the event that we are solid and upbeat in each part of our lives, we will live joyfully and effectively. At the point when we are sound and cheerful, we won’t let anything hinder us. We will have the option to appreciate what life has to bring to the table. We will be more transparent about what we do.

We can figure out how to cherish openly and with appreciation. This is the reason individuals who have more cash than they would actually utilize, yet are hopeless, frequently go to God for direction. It is this that rouses them to turn out to be all the more monetarily effective. It is on the grounds that they are certain they will get help and direction from Him. to assist them with accomplishing their objectives.

A Couple of Swingers — A planksip Möbius

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Daniel Sanderson

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