Hopium Defiance Defined

Daniel Sanderson
Published in
16 min readFeb 12, 2021

Hopium Defiance Defined

All hope abandon, ye who enter here!

- Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)

Hope is an Addiction and Should be Treated As Such — A planksip Möbius

Hope is an Addiction and Should be Treated As Such

Hopium Defiance Defined

Inspired by Dante Alighieri (1265–1321)’s quote, “All hope abandon, ye who enter here!” The titled responsion is…

Hope is an Addiction and Should be Treated As Such — A planksip Möbius

Biology Says Different

Inspired by Luis de Góngora (1561–1627)’s quote, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest”. The titled responsion is

The back and forth at play here is extinctive at best and schizophrenic at worst. Buying into a social narrative, a story without ending takes us to places beyond the addictive fictions we follow. The pathology is the inability to distinguish fact from reality, separated from the string of thought that confines the self on the identity of a ship from Theseus. Will you walk the “plank” of this pirate-inspired paranoia?

Hope springs eternal in the human breast. We cannot deny it, we cannot avoid it, but sometimes, it is not enough. It does not fill a hole in the heart. In order for hope to fill the heart, something more is needed — something tangible and concrete.

Hope is the gift of the giver. God has placed hope in the hearts of those who are His. If you look at any Christian church or temple, the first thing you will notice is a banner on the side of the building that says, “HOPE”. The purpose of this is for the members to see that the church is not just filled with people who have already passed away, but that there is hope for those who have yet to make it to this place. This helps them to see the possibilities in their lives.

True hope is also the gift of the giver. When someone gives you hope in the hope that it will be returned, that is the gift of the giver. That person is the one that gave you hope, or the one who gave you the gift of hope. If someone is giving you hope by telling you that you can have happiness, when you really want it, that person is the one who gave you the gift of hope.

The gifts of the giver are not always tangible. It is like saying to the giver, “I wish you would give me a hug”. You do not receive anything tangible from that hug, but the experience of the hug makes you feel good. The same is true for hope. Hope is a feeling that fills your body and gives you a feeling of hope in your life.

The giver of hope is God. The gift of hope is God’s love. The love is not to be taken lightly, but the love of God is to be given to others because they too are God’s children. God’s love is the love that heals. There are no limits to God’s love. It comes in a multitude of forms and manifestations.

One of the manifestations of God’s love is that you can trust Him to provide all things. When He is around, there is a certainty about everything. The assurance comes from the Holy Spirit who is with God. When God is not around, you will find that you must rely on Him to provide the assurance for your life.

There are many ways to gain this assurance from God. If you read the Word of God, He will fill you with the knowledge to know what is right. If you pray, you will receive this assurance. You can be certain that He will provide the assurance you seek. You can be assured that there is life after death and that the soul comes back to God. You can be certain that your love for Him is unlimited.

It is possible to believe that God is a loving God, because He has said so. When you believe this, you are filled with the certainty that there is a way that you can get what God wants. It is possible to have hope in the hopes of God, because he has promised it to you in His Word.

If you want your hopes to continue to be filled with the assurance of God, you need to believe it in your heart. This assurance is in God’s promises that you will experience. When you believe that God wants what he promised, you will be filled with confidence and will receive it. The assurance is a gift from God, but also from the Holy Spirit who are with God. and it is a gift that you receive. for free.

It is important for you to receive assurance from God, so that you can be sure that you have the assurance you are looking for. to have what is necessary to make your life meaningful. It is also important to understand that assurance is something that comes with faith, because you have to believe that you will receive what you want.

You cannot ask for assurance from God because it is impossible to have it, but you can receive it from God. You can receive the assurance of God and hope because it comes from him. You can receive it because he has promised it to you.

Enough with the four-letter words

Inspired by Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677)’s quote, “Fear cannot be without hope nor hope without fear”. The titled responsion is dialectical for certain, the comparison and contrast derives counterfactuals of, perhaps, a false dichotomy. Do you see the difference?

I purchased a magazine to other day. Inside the magazine was another article about ladies on the Cape who have “remained inside misfortune”, who are solid inside their anguish. One of the statements posted inside the article in strong yet silent tribute was, “Fear can’t be without trust, nor trust unafraid.” Thanks to Baruch Spinoza, the realization of this fear factors into our individual streams of consciousness. What remains is up for discussion.

What the hell is this expected to mean? I can see somebody setting this inside a chronicled setting trying to make a “significant novel”, giving this some sort of importance according to an occasion before. A war, an extraordinary fire, an episode of some illness, an individual misfortune the subject’s life. A biographer would state this was from his idea in a “blue” period in his life. Or then again some other avocation. A develop of negligible connections.

On the off chance that we basically take a gander at the words, clearly this is an extremity, and we have become so theoretically bumbling that this one extremity seems to have some sort of screwing incredible profundity. (I surmise in the event that one moved from a to b and that was every one of the one did , the development between to two would start to be the feature of the day.) I can’t perceive any, can you? It is only a distraction of dread and expectation, a more than (and not as much as) situation driving no where fast. Presently/time on the here/space . Dread moves to trust, trust moves to fear. This is the visually impaired, it is a condition of partition, it is what has been utilized to choke observation, to stop articulation as life. Our memory “bot” picture minds unequipped for seeing past this di[e]-mensional introduction!

Life would/will be a total articulation, all including and all encompassing. What else is there in like manner sense? This announcement is by configuration restricted. This announcement is comprised of thought and conviction and supposition, it has no substance and it underpins enduring that isn’t simply the recompense of life to communicate. Expectation and dread can’t be genuine articulation of life by the idea of their impediment. They are the limiters and they are being sold as the real world!


Furthermore, our magazines are revering this. This article is about the EMOTIONAL/EMO condition of the mother! WTF

BTW, I am intentionally leaving out any and all reference to the source article. The reason being is that it really doesn’t matter and I don’t want to provide any more eyeballs on this drivel.

Removing hope is different than removing fear

Inspired by Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677)’s quote, “There is no hope unmingled with fear, and no fear unmingled with hope”. The titled responsion is…

Expectation, desire, or our perspective on the future; that is at the core of this statement. We don’t trust about the past, nor do we (by and large) dread it. The equivalent is likewise generally valid for the present.

Just the future routinely holds the twofold edged blade of expectation and of dread. Trust in what may be acceptable or alluring, and dread of what may be awful or undesirable.

However when we do think about the future, there is a harmony among expectation and dread. Insofar as we don’t let dread or expectation rule unopposed, we ought to do genuinely well.

Why is balance significant?

However long we stay to a great extent in the present, and don’t harp exorbitantly on the future, both can be quieted. Furthermore, on the off chance that we plan for the most exceedingly awful, we can relieve the effect of the less attractive results. Plan what can be, may be, and we trust never becomes, and afterward finish, modifying varying.

However, balance is a precarious word in this specific situation. I don’t imply that we should have equivalent proportions of expectation and dread, in spite of the fact that you may discover that to be valuable to you. The fact is to discover what works for you. Do you need the dread to rouse you, or does it cause you to freeze and sit idle?

What’s more, who cares about hope? Is it accurate to say that you are so blinded by it that you overlook the possible issues or issues which could make you neglect to achieve your objective? Or then again have you been scorched by trust so often that you have no utilization for it by any stretch of the imagination? How can it change for various circumstances?

A large portion of us will be somewhere close to the limits. In certain parts of our lives, we will be more cheerful, and in others more dreadful. A few things will dazzle us with expectation, and others will incapacitate us with dread. Finding your equalization point will assist you with the future, just as assist you with dozing around evening time.

Where would i be able to apply this in my life?

We should each discover the parity which works best for us. Furthermore, where that point is likely could be distinctive in various conditions. That implies you need to know yourself and what things will work best for you. What’s more, that implies you should search inside yourself to find that parity point.

That may not seem like fun, so focus on the pleasant you’ll have next time when you can get everything adjusted, and have the perfect measure of expectation and dread, and use them to accomplish your objective. You can make anything sound like work, in the event that you word it inaccurately. Attempt to make it fun.

Consider all a mind-blowing pieces where your expectation isn’t even with your dread, just as the opposite way around. Shouldn’t something be said about sentiment? What about visiting the head of a tall structure and watching out, or even down? Shouldn’t something be said about flying or taking a vessel ride?

When your sole expectation is to get out alive, your dread is presumably somewhat high, correct? Also, if your sole dread is that you bungle what you intend to state, at that point you may be excessively cheerful. On the off chance that you go to and fro between them, you most likely need to get off the enthusiastic thrill ride, correct?

Consider something where you have a lot of dread. Do you know why? Do you get it? For what reason is it so incredible? What do you do to strengthen that conviction, and in this way that dread? What fears have you vanquished before? How could you defeat that dread, and see the movement as everyday?

On the off chance that you are as yet incapable to persuade yourself to decrease your degree of dread, you can search for books, discover other people who have diminished that dread, or who may have the option to assist you with discovering more want to adjust the dread. What works for others probably won’t work for you, so you’ll need to locate your own way.

Shouldn’t something be said about the occasions you are excessively confident, without a legitimate proportion of dread to adjust things? Do you climb things since they are there? That is incredible on the off chance that you can get down securely. If not, you should figure out how to decrease the expectation and locate a sound measure of concern or even dread for balance.

We as a whole have motivations to expectation, and motivations to fear. At the point when we have a lot of one without a great part of the other, we are out of equalization. Beneficial things seldom originate from such awkward nature. What are you going to change about your expectations and your apprehensions?

Then the child is having chemo, which the FDA concedes has no adequacy, yet has put billions of dollars into and fears losing benefits from, so it doesn’t change a training it KNOWS just purposes languishing.

The business benefits.

The mother is “blessed” for her capacity to withstand languishing.

In the interim, the kid is being killed: He is most likely in extraordinary torment.

What is this?

This is such a wreck.

Too much “valuable” radiances around here. An excessive number of memory screens as brain, a radiance, the ideal mode for symbolism burden. To much overlooking of what very exists as all that is seen is the valuable “corona”.

Sound like a natural story. Does anybody see a closeness.

Take a gander at the artistic creations of holy people with their radiances, for what reason should a corona persist when we have the ability to eradicate this virus? Why not take a gander at this as though it is a science fiction picture? It resembles the comic book pictures we have today where the people are in space wearing things on their heads to breath in another atmosphere. Maybe those old artworks of holy people, who were the main ones painted in light of the fact that the chapels had all the MONEY to pay the specialists and normally painted what upheld their benefits, were of holy people that were quite vanquished by outsiders! Is it so outlandish to accept that there is a between dimensional corona around the entirety of our heads, set by some outsider race/between dimensional presence? Is it so outlandish that we have been customized? I mean why have a corona? What might the motivation behind a radiance be?

Consider it, could this world that is being sucked dry, squandered and manhandled, be the wellspring of vitality for something different? For what other reason would this planet be so manhandled, the assets so mishandled?

On the off chance that this were your genuine home, and you were esteeming your home, okay not have any desire to deal with it and SEE it? However, imagine a scenario where you were exotically closed down through a framework that halted your normal physical erotic nature. Imagine a scenario in which a corona restricted your reasonable capacity and every other person’s to where by and large all of you concurred.

What I portray is really what exists. Try not to take my statement for this, simply set aside the effort to search for yourself and I mean truly look. You will begin perceiving how there are endless things that bode well!

There is so much data now that even a little exploration can guide one. Furthermore, individuals are standing up and talking, experts and specialists.

Somebody with PC access can proceed to investigate options, not have their child experience such practices TWICE.

These individuals have the assets to pick another approach to deal with this circumstance, they have the opportunity to research.

There is definitely no requirement for their child to experience chemotherapy, and he is currently 19.

Particularly for somebody that has been advised to look fresh and at any rate examine choices. In the aspect of the world this individual lives in, with the measure of instruction this individual has, with the measure of data accessible there is definitely no reason for that kid to lie in a clinic being given chemotherapy.

Only a little examination would have uncovered how adequacy is determined, how the business really manhandles individuals. Indeed, even a quick look would have prompted an acknowledgment of how this framework functions.

It doesn’t sound good to me, and I need to understand this is on the grounds that there is no presence of mind present.

That the mother is acting in a magazine like a screwing virgin mary, colored hair and all, acting like she has incredible profundity, where what she is really doing is lauding her own feelings in a demonstration of personal responsibility and self glorification, while her child is lying in a medical clinic bed being manhandled for cash is extremely wiped out.

This isn’t quality, this isn’t fortitude, this is weakness and obliviousness.

This is the love, the war boat of a bogus god.

Wake Up. Get some perceptual profundity.

Biology Says Different

Inspired by Alexander Pope (1688–1744)’s quote, Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest. The titled responsion is Biology Says Different”. What follows is subject to revision, do you have any suggestions?

The Glimpse and Glimmer of Hope?

Inspired by Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852)’s quote, “Everywhere across whatever sorrows of which our life is woven, some radiant joy will gaily flash past”. The titled responsion is…

Categorically Imperative

Inspired by Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)’s quote, “Once you label me you negate me”. The titled responsion is…

An “imperative” evocation of The Categories is both Aristotelian and Kantian. All of these metaphysical boundaries are fictively imagined and determined to provide a framework of logic coupled to morality. Both examples highlight the imperative nature of our behavioural biology to assign imagined boundaries where there is nothing but a spectrum of life. It’s imperative to use categories of metaphysics, from mathematics to morality, to live life in a way that doesn’t transfer suffering to other conscious creatures.

Addiction Works the Same Way

Inspired by Carl Jung (1875–1961)’s quote, “We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses”. The titled responsion is

Acceptance is a relative term, if you juxtapose a complete and categorical acceptance with the dissent of man, the “evolution” of the human condition is, in part, subject to subjectivity. Objective frameworks are ontological, addictions on the other hand, are problematic.

Prediction Addiction

Inspired by Niels Bohr (1885–1962)’s quote, “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future”. The titled responsion is…

When making predictions it is very hard, especially about the future. This is because we are so used to living in a world of facts and figures that we do not think much about what the future holds for us. There are no real surprises in our life, we know how to get by and there are always people around us to help us out in a time of need. We rely on the economy and the work ethic of those around us to keep us going.

But what about the future? Can we predict it or is it just a certainty? How can we predict the future? What can we do to prepare for the future? And when it comes to making predictions, how do we get them right?

It is always important to be able to predict the future, especially the future that you want, because in that future you may not have to work as hard. If you make the wrong prediction you can end up with nothing, no work, no money and no chance at all for anything better than this. This is something no person wants. So having a prediction is very important.

To be able to predict the future correctly, you have to be able to see it in detail. You have to think of things that happen from the past. Think of what happened in the past and where it will take us in the future. Think of all the things that you have heard from your friends about what they saw and did in the future.

And if you do not understand past people’s predictions, then you need to listen to what they have to say, they may be able to tell you where the future is taking us. Of course you should not take everything they say and put it into practice, but just trying to understand it, like a puzzle.

It is important to look into the future and see what it could be. And make some guesses, and try to figure out which way the future is taking us. and try to come up with some sort of a conclusion based on the information you have gathered. You may have to find some data, or some information that you can use to figure this out.

However, you should also keep your predictions short and simple, so that people can understand them easily. You do not want to go on for hours trying to explain things, unless it is really vital. So if you do not understand things, then go ahead and leave it at that and explain them to someone else.

The future can be very difficult, especially about the future. So if you want to make sure that you are ready, then learn how to predict the future and you will never regret it.

First of all, you need to understand that there is no way that all the people of the world know all the details. There are people who can see things that no one else can see. For example, if someone sees something, then there are some people that know this person and there are other people that do not know this person.

Secondly, you need to take the information that is given to you, and get an understanding of it, and then put this information to work to your advantage. If a certain person tells you a fact about the future, then try to use it to your advantage, find a way to put it into action.

Thirdly, you should look into the future with an open mind and use that information to try and use it to your advantage. When you do this you will be able to use all the knowledge that you gather and use it to help you make the future a better place.

Remember, if you want to make your prediction easier, then you need to think of a solution to any problems that arise, you need to see the future realistically. So if you have a problem, you should see if you can use it to your advantage.

Hope Springs Eternal

Inspired by Bernard Williams (1929–2003)’s quote, “The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring”. The titled responsion is…

Elsewhere I have attempted to objectify hope and describe the boundaries of its utility. Addictive as it may be, the language we use is impregnated with the mustard seed of something foul, delivered with benevolence in mind, this is our birthright and yet society isn’t always correct, politically or ethically.

Hope is an Addiction and Should be Treated As Such — A planksip Möbius

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Daniel Sanderson

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