Thought Leadership Through Osmosis

Daniel Sanderson
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

Thought Leadership Through Osmosis

Let me warn you, if you start chasing after views, you’ll be left without bread and without views.

- Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852)

The Pluralism of Intersectionality — A planksip Möbius Maker

The Pluralism of Intersectionality

Thought Leadership Through Osmosis

Inspired by Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852)’s quote, “Let me warn you, if you start chasing after views, you’ll be left without bread and without views”. The titled responsion is absorbing in nature. Thought leadership? Well, that’s up to you.

This birds-eye view on intersectionality is a double meaning, albeit more concrete. Moving beyond the tautology, the circumference of intersectionality is a plurality within itself. Is it good? Elaborate and expand!

The Pluralism of Intersectionality — A planksip Möbius Maker

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Daniel Sanderson

Thoughts, stories and ideas inspired by Giants and driven by Big Data. Book reviews, quotes, and literary analysis are all fair game. Enjoy. #Googleplanksip